2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
import ' package:app_popup_menu/app_popup_menu.dart ' ;
2023-02-03 03:34:09 +00:00
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
import ' package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter_progress_hud/flutter_progress_hud.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter_spinkit/flutter_spinkit.dart ' ;
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
import ' package:fluttericon/font_awesome_icons.dart ' ;
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
import ' package:unit2/bloc/profile/profile_bloc.dart ' ;
import ' package:unit2/bloc/user/user_bloc.dart ' ;
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
import ' package:unit2/screens/profile/components/reference/add_modal.dart ' ;
import ' package:unit2/screens/profile/components/reference/edit_modal.dart ' ;
2023-02-09 08:48:19 +00:00
import ' package:unit2/theme-data.dart/box_shadow.dart ' ;
2023-02-03 03:34:09 +00:00
import ' package:unit2/theme-data.dart/colors.dart ' ;
2023-02-09 08:48:19 +00:00
import ' package:unit2/utils/text_container.dart ' ;
2023-03-02 00:40:47 +00:00
import ' package:unit2/widgets/Leadings/add_leading.dart ' ;
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
import ' package:unit2/widgets/Leadings/close_leading.dart ' ;
import ' package:unit2/widgets/error_state.dart ' ;
2023-02-03 03:34:09 +00:00
2023-03-07 02:31:28 +00:00
import ' ../../../bloc/profile/references/references_bloc.dart ' ;
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
import ' ../../../utils/alerts.dart ' ;
2023-03-07 02:31:28 +00:00
2023-02-10 07:39:00 +00:00
class ReferencesScreen extends StatelessWidget {
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
const ReferencesScreen ( { super . key } ) ;
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
2023-02-03 03:34:09 +00:00
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
int ? profileId ;
String ? token ;
2023-02-10 07:39:00 +00:00
return Scaffold (
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
appBar: AppBar (
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
title: context . watch < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . state is AddReferenceState ? const Text ( " Add Personal Reference " ) : context . watch < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . state is EditReferenceState ? const Text ( " Edit Personal Reference " ) : const Text ( " Personal References " ) ,
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
centerTitle: true ,
backgroundColor: primary ,
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
////if state is adding or editing state show close button
actions: ( context . watch < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . state is AddReferenceState | | context . watch < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . state is EditReferenceState ) ?
//// close button
CloseLeading ( onPressed: ( ) {
context . read < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . add ( GetReferences ( profileId: profileId ! , token: token ! ) ) ;
} ) ,
] :
//// if state is loaded state show add button
context . watch < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . state is ReferencesLoadedState ? [
AddLeading ( onPressed: ( ) {
context . read < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . add ( ShowAddReferenceForm ( ) ) ;
} ) ,
] : [ ]
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
) ,
body: ProgressHUD (
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 24 ) ,
backgroundColor: Colors . black87 ,
indicatorWidget: const SpinKitFadingCircle ( color: Colors . white ) ,
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
child: BlocBuilder < UserBloc , UserState > (
builder: ( context , state ) {
if ( state is UserLoggedIn ) {
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
token = state . userData ! . user ! . login ! . token ;
profileId = state . userData ! . user ! . login ! . user ! . profileId ;
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
return BlocBuilder < ProfileBloc , ProfileState > (
builder: ( context , state ) {
if ( state is ProfileLoaded ) {
return BlocConsumer < ReferencesBloc , ReferencesState > (
listener: ( context , state ) {
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
if ( state is ReferencesLoadingState ) {
final progress = ProgressHUD . of ( context ) ;
progress ! . showWithText ( " Please wait... " ) ;
if ( state is ReferencesLoadedState | |
state is AddReferenceState | |
state is ReferencesErrorState | |
state is DeleteReferenceState | |
state is ReferencesAddedState | |
state is EditReferenceState ) {
final progress = ProgressHUD . of ( context ) ;
progress ! . dismiss ( ) ;
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
if ( state is ReferencesAddedState ) {
if ( state . response [ ' success ' ] ) {
successAlert ( context , " Adding Successfull! " ,
state . response [ ' message ' ] , ( ) {
Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ;
context . read < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . add (
LoadReferences (
references: state . personalRefs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
errorAlert ( context , " Adding Failed " ,
" Something went wrong. Please try again. " ,
( ) {
Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ;
context . read < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . add (
LoadReferences (
references: state . personalRefs ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( state is ReferenceEditedState ) {
if ( state . response [ ' success ' ] ) {
successAlert ( context , " Update Successfull! " ,
state . response [ ' message ' ] , ( ) {
Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ;
context . read < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . add (
LoadReferences (
references: state . personalRefs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
errorAlert ( context , " Update Failed " ,
" Something went wrong. Please try again. " ,
( ) {
Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ;
context . read < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . add (
LoadReferences (
references: state . personalRefs ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( state is DeleteReferenceState ) {
if ( state . success ) {
successAlert ( context , " Deletion Successfull " ,
" Eligibility has been deleted successfully " ,
( ) {
Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ;
context . read < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . add (
LoadReferences (
references: state . references ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
errorAlert ( context , " Deletion Failed " ,
" Error deleting eligibility " , ( ) {
Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ;
context . read < ReferencesBloc > ( ) . add (
LoadReferences (
references: state . references ) ) ;
} ) ;
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
} ,
builder: ( context , state ) {
//references bloc
if ( state is ReferencesLoadedState ) {
if ( state . references . isNotEmpty ) {
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
return ListView . builder (
padding: const EdgeInsets . symmetric (
vertical: 8 , horizontal: 10 ) ,
itemCount: state . references . length ,
( BuildContext context , int index ) {
String fullname =
" ${ state . references [ index ] . firstName } ${ state . references [ index ] . middleName } ${ state . references [ index ] . lastName } " ;
String addres = state . references [ index ]
. address ! . country ? . id ! =
? " COUNTRY: ${ state . references [ index ] . address ! . country ! . name ! . toUpperCase ( ) } "
: " ${ state . references [ index ] . address ? . cityMunicipality ? . description } , ${ state . references [ index ] . address ? . cityMunicipality ? . province ? . description } , ${ state . references [ index ] . address ? . cityMunicipality ? . province ? . region ? . description } " ;
String mobile = state
. references [ index ] . contactNo
. toString ( ) ;
return Column (
children: [
Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets . symmetric (
horizontal: 12 , vertical: 8 ) ,
decoration: box1 ( ) ,
child: Row (
children: [
Expanded (
child: Column (
MainAxisAlignment . start ,
CrossAxisAlignment . start ,
children: [
Text ( fullname . toUpperCase ( ) ,
style: Theme . of ( context )
. textTheme
. titleMedium !
. copyWith (
. w500 ) ) ,
const Divider ( ) ,
const SizedBox (
height: 5 ,
) ,
Text ( addres ,
style: Theme . of ( context )
. textTheme
. titleSmall !
. copyWith (
. w500 ) ) ,
const SizedBox (
height: 8 ,
) ,
Text (
" ${ mobileOrPhone . toUpperCase ( ) } : $ mobile " ,
style: Theme . of ( context )
. textTheme
. labelMedium ! ) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
AppPopupMenu < int > (
offset: const Offset ( - 10 , - 10 ) ,
elevation: 3 ,
onSelected: ( value ) {
2023-03-28 08:32:29 +00:00
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
////delete eligibilty-= = = = = = = = =>>
if ( value = = 2 ) {
confirmAlert ( context , ( ) {
. read <
ReferencesBloc > ( )
. add ( DeleteReference (
profileId ! ,
refId: state
. references [
index ]
. id ! ,
references: state
. references ,
token: token ! ) ) ;
} , " Delete? " ,
" Confirm Delete? " ) ;
if ( value = = 1 ) {
////edit reference-= = = = = = = = =>>
. read < ReferencesBloc > ( )
. add ( ShowEditReferenceForm (
state . references [
index ] ) ) ;
} ,
menuItems: [
popMenuItem (
text: " Edit " ,
value: 1 ,
icon: Icons . edit ) ,
popMenuItem (
text: " Delete " ,
value: 2 ,
icon: Icons . delete ) ,
popMenuItem (
text: " Attachment " ,
value: 3 ,
icon: FontAwesome . attach )
] ,
icon: const Icon (
Icons . more_vert ,
color: Colors . grey ,
) ,
tooltip: " Options " ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
const SizedBox (
height: 5 ,
) ,
] ,
) ;
} ) ;
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
if ( state is AddReferenceState ) {
return const AddReferenceScreen ( ) ;
if ( state is EditReferenceState ) {
return const EditReferenceScreen ( ) ;
if ( state is ReferencesErrorState ) {
return SomethingWentWrong (
message: state . message , onpressed: ( ) { } ) ;
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
return Container ( ) ;
} ,
) ;
return Container ( ) ;
} ,
) ;
return Container ( ) ;
} ,
) ,
) ) ;
2023-02-03 03:34:09 +00:00
2023-03-06 00:57:39 +00:00
2023-03-24 06:46:17 +00:00
PopupMenuItem < int > popMenuItem ( { String ? text , int ? value , IconData ? icon } ) {
return PopupMenuItem (
value: value ,
child: Row (
children: [
Icon (
icon ,
) ,
const SizedBox (
width: 10 ,
) ,
Text (
text ! ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ;