Bug fix on admin side and building faas

cyzoox 2024-04-22 16:05:35 +08:00
parent 17e99e9ee3
commit 593041b19b
50 changed files with 2662 additions and 1177 deletions

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ android {
defaultConfig {
// TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID (https://developer.android.com/studio/build/application-id.html).
applicationId "com.example.unit2"
applicationId "com.app.rpass"
// You can update the following values to match your application needs.
// For more information, see: https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/android#reviewing-the-build-configuration.
minSdkVersion flutter.minSdkVersion

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22 -34 19 -4 -3 -4 5 1 18 9 25 45 48 77 48 15 0 25 11 37 40 18 46 42 52 59
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16 -50 -5 -41 -29 -75 -24 -79 12 -2 15 1 35 7 46 8 15 4 24 -20 46 -16 15
-29 33 -29 40 0 23 36 43 68 38 32 -4 38 1 44 43 3 22 28 46 43 42 6 -2 19
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147 16 l140 0 55 -42z m82 -163 c0 -32 0 -32 -61 -39 -34 -3 -129 -6 -210 -6
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23 5 23 5 5 -10 -11 -9 -24 -16 -29 -16 -8 0 -7 -19 4 -59 2 -7 -2 -16 -9 -18
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26 0 47 -2 47 -4z m680 -6 c0 -5 -7 -10 -16 -10 -8 0 -12 5 -9 10 3 6 10 10
16 10 5 0 9 -4 9 -10z m-85 -50 c3 -6 -1 -7 -9 -4 -18 7 -21 14 -7 14 6 0 13
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39 -102 39 -27 0 -86 -44 -86 -64 0 -7 18 -21 41 -32 l41 -20 -99 -61 c-54
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215 125 65 272 84 385 51z m1644 -219 c160 -92 391 -225 515 -295 124 -70 266
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15 -93 -28 933 545 627 350 669 373 680 368 3 -2 136 -78 295 -170z m-2875
144 c91 -21 187 -94 239 -181 12 -21 21 -48 19 -60 -3 -21 -8 -23 -58 -22
-132 1 -370 18 -370 25 0 5 32 33 70 64 39 31 70 60 70 64 0 14 -41 61 -54 61
-20 0 -157 -89 -216 -140 l-56 -48 -147 -3 -146 -4 32 33 c71 75 239 175 337
202 98 27 186 30 280 9z m4409 -243 c67 -35 121 -83 121 -110 0 -45 -13 -47
-75 -10 -33 19 -84 46 -112 60 -29 14 -53 32 -53 40 0 8 -14 21 -32 28 -27 12
-29 15 -12 19 37 11 113 -2 163 -27z m-3235 -7 c3 -17 6 -109 6 -204 0 -170 0
-173 -23 -188 -23 -15 -25 -14 -68 45 -24 34 -72 86 -106 116 l-63 56 0 77 0
78 53 16 c65 19 133 32 168 34 22 1 28 -4 33 -30z m-650 -59 c48 -43 73 -102
95 -232 22 -130 35 -238 28 -238 -2 0 -31 16 -63 35 -32 19 -62 35 -67 35 -5
0 -24 7 -43 16 -24 12 -34 23 -34 40 0 13 -12 40 -26 61 -14 21 -30 57 -37 80
-6 24 -14 43 -18 43 -4 0 -10 -35 -14 -77 l-8 -78 -15 35 c-51 120 30 310 133
310 24 0 45 -9 69 -30z m4789 -26 c67 -17 139 -51 177 -83 23 -19 23 -20 5
-21 -11 0 -53 -7 -92 -17 l-73 -17 -67 28 c-38 15 -91 30 -119 33 -48 5 -53 3
-69 -20 -22 -34 -12 -62 25 -76 17 -6 44 -16 62 -23 l32 -12 -30 -13 c-74 -32
-346 -89 -366 -77 -14 9 -9 51 13 110 35 93 114 158 229 190 64 18 201 17 273
-2z m-1144 -25 c93 -29 121 -42 191 -83 41 -25 101 -69 133 -98 l58 -53 -24
-29 -24 -30 -92 23 c-51 12 -111 30 -134 40 l-41 18 44 11 c25 6 54 17 64 25
19 14 19 15 -3 51 -28 44 -45 45 -155 12 l-80 -25 -55 21 c-31 11 -67 22 -81
25 -60 11 -70 14 -70 23 0 10 87 58 130 71 38 11 99 10 139 -2z m560 -20 c13
-23 11 -31 -18 -93 -32 -65 -33 -67 -52 -50 -10 9 -19 23 -19 31 0 7 -6 12
-12 11 -27 -6 -11 63 23 98 38 39 57 40 78 3z m-4524 -16 c-4 -10 -9 -50 -12
-90 l-6 -71 -82 -41 c-95 -47 -189 -135 -258 -241 -33 -52 -48 -66 -71 -68
l-28 -4 4 104 c3 90 7 111 35 170 17 37 52 89 77 116 74 79 204 139 305 141
37 1 42 -1 36 -16z m580 -73 c91 -43 245 -192 245 -237 0 -13 -65 -48 -143
-77 l-64 -25 -27 28 c-24 25 -29 41 -36 117 -5 49 -15 103 -23 119 -17 34 -31
105 -21 105 3 0 34 -13 69 -30z m3173 -103 c13 -10 17 -77 5 -77 -18 1 -127
66 -136 81 -6 9 -7 24 -4 33 6 14 12 14 64 -5 32 -12 64 -26 71 -32z m-1158
20 c19 -13 64 -39 100 -59 36 -19 121 -69 190 -110 111 -67 169 -100 231 -133
11 -5 19 -13 19 -17 0 -5 -344 -8 -765 -8 -421 0 -765 3 -765 8 0 7 65 52 76
52 4 0 43 22 88 48 301 180 375 222 387 222 11 0 14 -17 14 -68 0 -58 4 -75
28 -110 36 -55 95 -85 168 -85 82 0 158 53 189 131 12 31 10 98 -5 135 -10 23
4 21 45 -6z m2554 -99 c-1 -24 -2 -61 -3 -82 l-1 -40 -27 26 c-16 14 -49 39
-75 57 -27 18 -48 36 -48 40 0 20 140 65 151 49 3 -4 4 -27 3 -50z m-662 -39
c28 -15 59 -91 60 -147 0 -61 -26 -125 -64 -158 -26 -21 -39 -24 -82 -22 -44
3 -54 0 -73 -22 l-22 -25 -1 31 c0 49 56 261 80 299 33 53 62 65 102 44z
m-4502 -32 c-4 -12 -12 -21 -17 -20 -5 1 -9 -7 -9 -18 0 -10 5 -19 12 -19 6 0
14 -17 18 -37 9 -60 7 -271 -4 -278 -5 -3 -28 4 -50 15 l-41 21 6 92 c7 103
24 175 37 155 5 -8 8 2 8 25 0 35 -2 38 -22 31 -20 -6 -21 -5 -9 10 11 13 11
16 0 16 -8 1 2 9 21 19 42 23 62 18 50 -12z m4949 -32 c61 -28 120 -79 156
-136 26 -40 51 -116 42 -125 -3 -3 -38 19 -78 50 -116 91 -264 155 -360 156
-33 0 -37 3 -43 32 -7 37 -7 38 36 49 60 15 185 2 247 -26z m-693 -52 c-13
-27 -26 -73 -30 -104 -7 -51 -11 -59 -71 -117 -52 -50 -74 -81 -114 -164 -27
-57 -57 -134 -67 -173 -9 -38 -20 -74 -24 -78 -4 -5 -19 29 -34 75 -22 68 -28
104 -29 197 l-2 115 40 27 c22 16 58 37 80 49 126 63 140 83 89 122 -13 11
-24 23 -24 27 0 5 26 20 58 33 78 35 82 36 120 37 l32 1 -24 -47z m-4456 -148
l0 -85 -62 1 c-58 0 -132 16 -85 18 9 1 35 19 57 41 22 22 45 40 50 40 6 0 10
4 10 9 0 15 19 61 25 61 3 0 5 -38 5 -85z m892 -24 c3 9 10 7 25 -8 12 -12 24
-19 27 -16 3 3 31 -9 61 -28 l56 -34 -3 -125 c-3 -96 -8 -134 -22 -165 l-19
-40 -14 45 c-7 25 -15 54 -17 65 -6 32 -55 157 -67 172 -6 7 -9 20 -5 28 4 11
2 14 -6 9 -8 -5 -9 -2 -5 10 4 10 3 15 -3 11 -6 -3 -10 -3 -11 2 -3 28 -7 51
-14 68 -5 14 -4 16 3 6 8 -11 10 -11 14 0z m3034 -27 l42 -16 7 -92 c3 -50 5
-269 3 -486 l-3 -395 -1394 2 c-766 1 -1395 4 -1397 5 -2 3 -7 751 -5 915 l1
72 43 4 c23 2 631 4 1352 5 1180 2 1313 0 1351 -14z m1245 -23 c56 -37 98 -82
83 -88 -7 -2 -42 -22 -78 -44 -37 -22 -70 -38 -75 -35 -5 3 -16 -3 -26 -14
-10 -11 -24 -20 -32 -20 -7 0 -13 -4 -13 -9 0 -11 -151 -14 -168 -3 -9 6 -12
37 -10 118 l3 109 67 0 c36 0 69 -3 73 -6 3 -4 10 -30 14 -59 5 -29 14 -56 20
-60 7 -4 13 -21 13 -38 1 -18 3 -32 5 -32 2 0 17 12 33 27 28 25 30 30 30 105
0 43 4 78 8 78 5 0 29 -13 53 -29z m-4672 -161 l0 -105 -35 39 c-35 36 -36 41
-30 89 7 50 18 80 40 103 18 20 25 -12 25 -126z m-359 6 l95 -32 3 -130 c2
-71 0 -166 -3 -211 l-7 -82 -52 52 c-28 29 -76 65 -106 81 -30 16 -76 47 -101
68 -25 21 -49 38 -53 38 -5 0 -26 15 -49 32 -31 25 -51 33 -85 33 -41 1 -47 5
-78 48 -19 26 -34 50 -34 55 0 11 50 39 102 58 113 41 227 38 368 -10z m4550
-14 c0 -60 -11 -82 -42 -82 -15 0 -18 8 -18 44 0 61 15 96 40 96 18 0 20 -6
20 -58z m905 18 c30 -19 35 -19 116 -4 81 16 260 17 275 2 16 -17 -87 -431
-116 -462 -5 -4 -25 -3 -46 4 -21 7 -69 13 -107 13 -58 0 -69 3 -79 20 -22 43
-104 120 -153 144 -90 46 -215 42 -287 -9 -25 -17 -29 -17 -67 -2 -47 19 -51
36 -21 101 25 56 93 123 155 152 38 19 70 25 130 27 45 1 95 9 115 18 45 20
47 20 85 -4z m-6235 -1 c120 -27 244 -116 300 -215 27 -46 36 -54 61 -54 26 0
33 -6 50 -44 10 -24 22 -59 25 -76 6 -28 10 -31 33 -25 14 3 56 9 93 12 56 4
75 2 112 -17 51 -24 93 -68 103 -108 3 -15 28 -49 55 -75 l49 -49 -3 -71 -3
-72 -138 -3 c-134 -2 -138 -2 -128 17 16 30 13 108 -5 147 -10 21 -34 45 -61
60 l-43 26 -53 -21 c-78 -31 -101 -31 -105 -1 -12 119 -85 217 -200 272 -56
27 -71 30 -130 26 -40 -3 -84 -14 -108 -26 l-42 -21 -16 57 c-20 74 -46 209
-46 245 l0 27 78 0 c42 0 97 -5 122 -11z m1363 -74 c90 -48 97 -58 97 -148 0
-33 -3 -33 -120 17 l-75 31 -3 73 c-2 40 1 72 6 72 6 0 48 -20 95 -45z m4270
-85 c-13 -87 -27 -122 -52 -131 -14 -5 -39 -15 -54 -24 l-28 -15 3 73 c3 62 5
72 21 69 9 -2 17 2 17 9 0 7 11 10 29 7 17 -2 30 -2 29 1 -2 22 4 32 20 29 9
-2 16 -10 15 -18z m-308 -181 c0 -118 -2 -140 -18 -157 -10 -11 -28 -22 -39
-25 -20 -6 -20 -3 -14 96 4 56 9 130 12 165 6 61 7 63 33 60 l26 -3 0 -136z
m-4181 119 c10 -31 15 -278 7 -278 -6 0 -23 12 -38 26 -27 25 -28 31 -34 137
-3 62 -4 115 -2 120 7 12 63 8 67 -5z m408 -187 c48 -23 105 -47 125 -54 l38
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128 l-92 52 -3 82 -3 81 98 -43 c54 -24 137 -62 185 -85z m3594 73 c-3 -9 -6
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120 0 126 63 117 35 -5 45 -2 65 20 13 14 27 25 31 25 4 0 61 25 126 55 127
58 149 64 139 39z m930 -30 c57 -27 154 -150 154 -195 0 -18 -93 -103 -110
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53 166 66 233 34z m-4914 -315 c14 -121 8 -139 -46 -125 -21 5 -24 13 -31 87
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132 -116 174 -192 305 -218 373 l-10 25 3145 0 c1730 0 3145 -2 3145 -5z"/>
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11 1 23 1 26 -1 4 10 6 23 5 14 0 25 -6 25 -12 0 -21 45 -7 57 17 7 13 18 24
25 24 14 1 12 24 -3 40 -6 6 -12 2 -15 -13 -4 -12 -13 -22 -21 -22 -8 0 -11 5
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19 9 23 14 14 6 -10 13 -7 25 10 l17 24 -7 -27 c-10 -43 13 -34 24 10 7 25 10
30 11 15 1 -13 6 -23 12 -23 8 0 7 -6 -2 -17 -13 -17 -13 -17 5 -3 51 39 78
69 72 79 -5 7 -1 9 8 5 9 -3 16 -1 16 4 0 6 10 14 21 17 29 9 139 94 139 106
0 6 4 8 9 5 8 -5 69 35 80 53 4 5 13 11 21 13 8 2 21 10 28 18 11 12 12 12 6
1 -4 -8 12 -1 37 16 81 57 224 134 244 131 13 -2 21 -12 23 -28 3 -26 1 -28
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-156 4 -7 2 -8 -4 -4 -13 8 -74 -42 -67 -54 3 -4 -3 -7 -13 -6 -10 0 -17 -6
-17 -16 0 -10 -6 -23 -14 -30 -12 -11 -13 -10 -7 6 5 15 4 17 -7 8 -16 -14
-16 -38 2 -70 13 -24 36 -20 27 4 -6 15 11 18 38 8 9 -3 13 -10 10 -15 -3 -5
-9 -7 -14 -4 -4 3 -10 -2 -14 -10 -8 -21 0 -19 53 12 2 2 -8 12 -22 24 -30 23
-34 36 -13 36 8 0 20 -11 27 -24 16 -29 21 -29 40 3 l16 27 -1 -32 c-1 -20 -5
-30 -13 -27 -7 3 -15 1 -18 -4 -3 -5 4 -11 15 -15 11 -3 20 -11 20 -16 0 -5 5
-9 10 -9 6 0 10 6 10 14 0 8 6 17 13 19 7 3 5 6 -5 6 -10 1 -18 6 -18 12 0 6
9 9 20 6 11 -3 20 -1 20 4 0 4 -9 13 -20 19 -11 6 -20 15 -20 20 0 18 20 10
42 -15 16 -19 24 -22 30 -13 5 9 8 8 8 -4 0 -10 -7 -18 -15 -18 -14 0 -35 -29
-35 -48 0 -6 6 -12 14 -15 11 -4 14 1 13 21 -2 19 3 27 18 30 11 2 23 9 27 16
6 8 8 7 8 -2 0 -9 8 -11 23 -8 12 3 16 3 10 0 -19 -8 -16 -24 2 -18 10 4 13
13 10 24 -3 10 -1 21 5 25 16 10 25 -25 11 -46 -6 -11 -7 -19 -2 -19 17 0 30
27 26 51 -5 26 12 79 26 79 4 0 11 -4 14 -10 3 -5 -1 -10 -10 -10 -9 0 -14 -4
-10 -9 3 -5 1 -13 -5 -16 -8 -5 -8 -11 -1 -19 6 -7 7 -16 3 -21 -4 -4 4 -1 18
6 14 8 27 17 30 20 3 3 21 14 40 25 19 10 39 25 43 32 4 6 13 12 18 12 6 0 34
15 62 34 29 19 64 40 80 47 15 7 27 16 27 21 0 4 9 8 21 8 12 0 17 4 14 11 -4
6 -1 9 6 8 8 -2 52 16 98 39 46 23 88 42 93 42 5 0 28 8 51 19 67 29 81 34 91
32 4 -1 13 3 20 8 12 10 176 61 281 87 33 8 67 19 76 24 9 4 61 13 115 20 54
6 137 18 183 26 46 8 124 14 172 14 l89 0 1 218 c1 119 1 220 1 223 -2 12 43
-3 56 -19 9 -12 12 -72 12 -221 0 -120 4 -200 9 -192 5 8 10 9 12 3 4 -12 135
-19 146 -9 3 4 13 1 21 -6 12 -9 16 -9 19 1 5 14 33 17 33 2 0 -5 6 -7 14 -4
8 3 17 0 21 -5 3 -6 11 -8 17 -5 6 4 14 1 18 -6 5 -8 33 -13 78 -14 39 0 68
-4 67 -7 -6 -8 131 -28 158 -23 19 4 20 3 3 -4 -19 -8 -19 -9 2 -14 12 -4 24
-2 28 3 3 5 17 1 31 -9 15 -9 36 -15 46 -14 12 2 17 -1 13 -7 -5 -8 14 -11 58
-11 54 0 64 -3 60 -15 -6 -15 9 -20 49 -17 9 1 17 -5 17 -14 0 -10 6 -14 14
-11 8 3 16 2 18 -4 2 -5 21 -12 43 -15 22 -4 46 -14 53 -22 8 -11 28 -16 56
-16 32 0 42 -4 39 -13 -3 -7 0 -13 6 -13 6 0 11 6 11 13 0 9 3 8 9 -2 6 -9 10
-10 16 -2 5 9 10 9 20 1 7 -6 19 -8 28 -4 8 3 18 1 22 -5 3 -7 -2 -11 -14 -11
-11 0 -22 -4 -25 -8 -6 -10 35 -9 51 1 17 11 63 -21 56 -39 -4 -10 3 -14 23
-15 16 0 23 -3 16 -6 -16 -6 3 -33 23 -33 8 0 16 -6 18 -12 5 -12 11 16 8 34
0 4 9 13 22 19 18 9 20 9 10 -2 -19 -19 -17 -69 3 -69 11 0 14 6 10 23 -3 12
-3 17 0 10 3 -7 12 -9 20 -6 8 3 14 0 14 -6 0 -6 -5 -11 -11 -11 -5 0 -7 -4
-4 -10 3 -5 13 -10 21 -10 8 0 13 4 10 9 -3 5 2 15 11 22 15 12 16 12 10 -3
-8 -22 6 -23 23 -3 7 8 17 15 22 15 6 0 0 -9 -13 -21 l-24 -21 22 5 c16 4 22
0 21 -12 -2 -30 2 -51 11 -51 4 0 7 18 5 40 -2 30 1 40 12 40 9 0 12 -5 9 -11
-4 -5 -4 -22 -1 -35 6 -21 9 -24 21 -14 11 9 18 9 28 -2 21 -21 31 -58 16 -58
-10 0 -10 -3 -2 -11 15 -15 34 -3 26 16 -6 17 22 21 32 5 3 -5 1 -10 -4 -10
-14 0 -14 -40 0 -60 8 -11 9 -7 4 18 -7 35 1 41 21 15 12 -16 13 -16 14 -1 0
9 -6 19 -12 21 -8 4 -4 8 9 12 12 4 24 14 26 24 3 14 5 13 12 -3 6 -13 4 -21
-3 -24 -14 -4 -16 -42 -3 -42 11 0 21 24 22 53 0 21 1 21 8 3 7 -18 8 -18 14
-2 4 9 11 14 17 11 18 -11 11 -30 -17 -48 l-28 -17 27 6 c18 4 33 1 43 -9 21
-22 20 -23 -24 -19 -36 4 -38 2 -45 -29 -8 -42 0 -50 9 -9 7 31 9 32 45 26 22
-3 41 -2 44 3 3 5 -3 26 -13 47 -44 89 -45 93 -33 119 7 15 17 23 23 20 6 -5
7 -11 0 -19 -5 -6 -7 -31 -4 -54 5 -37 9 -42 32 -42 15 0 34 -9 44 -20 14 -17
14 -20 2 -20 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -8 0 -16 40 -6 56 14 8 10 12 13 9 6 -6 -12 -4
-12 16 -1 l24 14 -23 3 c-12 2 -20 7 -17 12 3 4 -2 13 -10 20 -13 11 -14 10
-9 -4 3 -9 2 -16 -4 -16 -12 0 -24 29 -17 40 3 5 0 12 -6 16 -8 4 -9 3 -5 -4
4 -7 0 -12 -11 -13 -10 0 -13 -3 -5 -6 6 -2 12 -11 12 -19 0 -12 -4 -12 -20
-2 -11 7 -20 18 -20 25 0 6 -6 14 -12 17 -7 3 -3 3 9 0 28 -6 25 17 -6 50 -20
21 -26 23 -42 13 -11 -7 -19 -20 -19 -29 0 -10 -4 -18 -8 -18 -10 0 -9 36 1
46 4 4 2 13 -4 21 -12 14 0 18 17 6 5 -5 -3 4 -19 19 -16 14 -80 60 -142 102
-78 53 -118 74 -131 70 -14 -4 -15 -3 -6 4 11 7 6 14 -22 31 -20 12 -41 19
-47 15 -7 -4 -9 -3 -5 4 4 6 -25 27 -74 52 -65 34 -80 47 -80 65 0 15 8 26 20
30 25 8 107 -22 114 -41 3 -8 17 -14 31 -14 14 0 25 -5 25 -11 0 -8 6 -7 17 2
10 8 14 9 10 2 -9 -14 29 -52 60 -59 13 -4 20 -11 16 -17 -4 -6 0 -8 10 -4 12
4 17 1 17 -9 0 -11 6 -14 16 -10 8 3 12 2 9 -4 -3 -5 6 -12 20 -16 13 -3 23
-10 20 -14 -3 -4 9 -13 25 -20 17 -7 30 -17 30 -22 0 -6 9 -8 20 -5 10 3 18 1
17 -3 -2 -10 100 -100 114 -100 5 0 9 5 9 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 7 0 7 -6 1 -19
-8 -14 -5 -21 14 -31 14 -7 25 -17 25 -22 0 -4 7 -8 15 -8 8 0 14 -6 13 -12
-2 -9 7 -12 25 -10 18 2 26 -1 22 -8 -6 -10 16 -40 30 -40 4 0 25 -18 47 -40
37 -39 58 -44 58 -14 0 18 17 18 37 -1 8 -8 19 -12 24 -9 6 3 22 3 37 -1 18
-4 22 -9 13 -14 -10 -7 -10 -12 0 -29 11 -17 10 -24 -5 -47 -10 -15 -15 -29
-12 -32 3 -3 8 2 12 11 3 9 13 16 21 16 8 0 21 6 29 14 19 20 51 9 59 -21 4
-19 9 -22 19 -14 21 17 -2 61 -32 61 -13 0 -21 4 -17 9 14 23 -15 18 -33 -5
-19 -27 -19 -27 -25 -5 -4 17 0 24 17 30 12 5 22 18 23 31 2 19 -2 22 -26 17
-16 -3 -31 -3 -35 0 -9 10 15 34 27 26 6 -4 8 0 4 10 -4 11 -2 14 8 11 8 -3
11 -12 9 -19 -3 -7 4 -16 15 -20 12 -3 21 -10 21 -15 0 -5 7 -7 15 -4 8 4 15
1 15 -5 0 -6 -7 -11 -15 -11 -22 0 -18 -17 4 -23 13 -3 22 1 24 12 4 13 6 11
12 -6 4 -13 12 -23 17 -23 5 0 6 -5 2 -12 -5 -8 -2 -9 11 -4 14 5 16 4 6 -7
-9 -11 -8 -17 2 -26 8 -6 16 -8 19 -5 3 2 8 -2 11 -11 5 -11 0 -15 -16 -15
-19 -1 -20 -2 -6 -10 12 -7 25 -6 42 3 l25 13 -24 23 c-13 12 -28 20 -33 17
-5 -3 -8 1 -7 9 1 18 -163 197 -175 189 -5 -3 -8 -2 -7 3 6 18 -166 169 -326
285 -214 157 -441 287 -716 411 -229 104 -558 192 -870 233 -108 14 -596 28
-665 18z m1902 -509 c0 -8 -4 -15 -9 -15 -10 0 -11 14 -1 23 9 10 10 9 10 -8z
m-177 -5 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z
m-3040 -40 c0 -5 -2 -10 -4 -10 -3 0 -8 5 -11 10 -3 6 -1 10 4 10 6 0 11 -4
11 -10z m3210 1 c0 -6 -4 -13 -10 -16 -5 -3 -10 1 -10 9 0 9 5 16 10 16 6 0
10 -4 10 -9z m-120 -11 c0 -5 -2 -10 -4 -10 -3 0 -8 5 -11 10 -3 6 -1 10 4 10
6 0 11 -4 11 -10z m-3375 -20 c-3 -5 -12 -10 -18 -10 -7 0 -6 4 3 10 19 12 23
12 15 0z m3642 -36 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z m48
-32 c-3 -3 -11 0 -18 7 -9 10 -8 11 6 5 10 -3 15 -9 12 -12z m-65 -33 c0 -14
-17 -10 -23 5 -4 10 -1 13 9 9 7 -3 14 -9 14 -14z m-850 7 c0 -3 -4 -8 -10
-11 -5 -3 -10 -1 -10 4 0 6 5 11 10 11 6 0 10 -2 10 -4z m945 -16 c3 -5 1 -10
-4 -10 -6 0 -11 5 -11 10 0 6 2 10 4 10 3 0 8 -4 11 -10z m19 -38 c-4 -18 -11
-32 -16 -32 -6 0 -7 8 -3 18 4 9 10 25 12 35 9 29 14 13 7 -21z m52 12 c-4 -9
-9 -15 -11 -12 -3 3 -3 13 1 22 4 9 9 15 11 12 3 -3 3 -13 -1 -22z m-3796 -24
c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z m600
-10 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z
m3350 -15 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -7 7 -4 15 4 8 8 15 10 15 2 0 4 -7 4
-15z m-4170 -5 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10
-4 10 -10z m3200 0 c0 -5 -4 -10 -9 -10 -6 0 -13 5 -16 10 -3 6 1 10 9 10 9 0
16 -4 16 -10z m150 0 c12 -8 11 -10 -7 -10 -12 0 -25 5 -28 10 -8 13 15 13 35
0z m684 -59 c-2 -2 -13 4 -24 14 -11 10 -20 15 -20 11 0 -4 -5 -4 -10 -1 -6 4
-8 11 -4 16 3 5 18 -1 33 -13 16 -13 27 -25 25 -27z m-3984 25 c0 -3 -4 -8
-10 -11 -5 -3 -10 -1 -10 4 0 6 5 11 10 11 6 0 10 -2 10 -4z m3687 -18 c-3 -8
-6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z m468 12 c-3 -5 -12 -10 -18 -10
-7 0 -6 4 3 10 19 12 23 12 15 0z m-54 -43 c-8 -8 -11 -7 -11 4 0 9 3 19 7 23
4 4 9 2 11 -4 3 -7 -1 -17 -7 -23z m-4058 8 c1 -5 -6 -11 -15 -13 -11 -2 -18
3 -18 13 0 17 30 18 33 0z m3922 -3 c-3 -3 -11 0 -18 7 -9 10 -8 11 6 5 10 -3
15 -9 12 -12z m-4130 -3 c11 -16 1 -19 -13 -3 -7 8 -8 14 -3 14 5 0 13 -5 16
-11z m89 -7 c3 -5 -1 -9 -9 -9 -8 0 -12 4 -9 9 3 4 7 8 9 8 2 0 6 -4 9 -8z
m46 -2 c0 -5 -2 -10 -4 -10 -3 0 -8 5 -11 10 -3 6 -1 10 4 10 6 0 11 -4 11
-10z m4080 0 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10
-4 10 -10z m135 0 c-3 -5 -11 -10 -16 -10 -6 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 11 10 16 10 6
0 7 -4 4 -10z m-370 -26 c-9 -9 -19 -13 -23 -10 -3 4 0 11 8 16 24 15 33 11
15 -6z m426 6 c5 0 4 -6 -3 -14 -9 -10 -17 -11 -25 -4 -18 15 -16 31 3 24 9
-3 20 -6 25 -6z m-671 -15 c-7 -9 -15 -13 -19 -10 -3 3 1 10 9 15 21 14 24 12
10 -5z m518 -6 c4 -11 2 -11 -8 -2 -7 6 -20 9 -29 6 -14 -4 -14 -3 -1 6 18 13
32 10 38 -10z m52 -3 c0 -16 -28 -42 -36 -33 -7 6 18 47 28 47 5 0 8 -6 8 -14z
m-4140 0 c0 -3 -4 -8 -10 -11 -5 -3 -10 -1 -10 4 0 6 5 11 10 11 6 0 10 -2 10
-4z m405 -6 c3 -5 2 -10 -4 -10 -5 0 -13 5 -16 10 -3 6 -2 10 4 10 5 0 13 -4
16 -10z m3293 -8 c-8 -9 -14 -9 -24 -1 -19 16 -18 17 10 15 18 -1 22 -4 14
-14z m74 -7 c3 -14 1 -25 -3 -25 -5 0 -9 11 -9 25 0 14 2 25 4 25 2 0 6 -11 8
-25z m-3992 11 c0 -3 -4 -8 -10 -11 -5 -3 -10 -1 -10 4 0 6 5 11 10 11 6 0 10
-2 10 -4z m4384 -20 c-3 -9 -10 -16 -15 -16 -5 0 -4 9 3 20 14 22 21 20 12 -4z
m-4364 0 c0 -7 -11 -16 -25 -18 -14 -3 -25 -1 -25 3 0 5 9 9 20 9 11 0 20 5
20 10 0 6 2 10 5 10 3 0 5 -6 5 -14z m30 4 c0 -5 -2 -10 -4 -10 -3 0 -8 5 -11
10 -3 6 -1 10 4 10 6 0 11 -4 11 -10z m695 0 c-3 -5 -13 -10 -21 -10 -8 0 -14
5 -14 10 0 6 9 10 21 10 11 0 17 -4 14 -10z m-795 -15 c-7 -8 -17 -15 -23 -15
-6 0 -2 7 9 15 25 19 30 19 14 0z m465 5 c3 -5 -1 -10 -9 -10 -9 0 -16 5 -16
10 0 6 4 10 9 10 6 0 13 -4 16 -10z m98 -42 c9 -6 9 -8 0 -8 -14 0 -33 32 -32
52 0 7 5 2 10 -12 6 -13 15 -28 22 -32z m3527 37 c0 -9 -6 -12 -15 -9 -8 4
-12 10 -9 15 8 14 24 10 24 -6z m265 5 c-3 -5 -11 -10 -16 -10 -6 0 -7 5 -4
10 3 6 11 10 16 10 6 0 7 -4 4 -10z m-3765 -4 c0 -2 -7 -6 -15 -10 -8 -3 -15
-1 -15 4 0 6 7 10 15 10 8 0 15 -2 15 -4z m98 -21 c-3 -3 -9 2 -12 12 -6 14
-5 15 5 6 7 -7 10 -15 7 -18z m3299 -1 c-9 -9 -28 6 -21 18 4 6 10 6 17 -1 6
-6 8 -13 4 -17z m525 19 c-10 -4 -10 -8 -1 -19 10 -12 9 -18 -5 -32 -16 -16
-17 -15 -10 13 6 29 6 29 -9 10 -11 -14 -16 -16 -17 -6 0 15 29 41 45 40 6 0
4 -3 -3 -6z m-4412 -13 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10
10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m550 1 c0 -5 -7 -12 -16 -15 -14 -5 -15 -4 -4 9 14 17
20 19 20 6z m-710 -22 c0 -6 -4 -7 -10 -4 -5 3 -10 11 -10 16 0 6 5 7 10 4 6
-3 10 -11 10 -16z m810 11 c0 -5 -7 -10 -15 -10 -8 0 -15 5 -15 10 0 6 7 10
15 10 8 0 15 -4 15 -10z m3870 -10 c0 -11 -4 -20 -9 -20 -5 0 -11 9 -14 20 -3
13 0 20 9 20 8 0 14 -9 14 -20z m-4610 1 c0 -5 -7 -14 -15 -21 -13 -10 -15 -9
-15 9 0 12 6 21 15 21 8 0 15 -4 15 -9z m385 -1 c3 -5 -1 -10 -9 -10 -9 0 -16
5 -16 10 0 6 4 10 9 10 6 0 13 -4 16 -10z m3643 -10 c-13 -20 -28 -27 -28 -12
0 10 22 32 32 32 5 0 3 -9 -4 -20z m-3350 -26 c-10 -10 -28 6 -28 24 0 15 1
15 17 -1 9 -9 14 -19 11 -23z m3442 20 c0 -8 -4 -12 -10 -9 -5 3 -10 10 -10
16 0 5 5 9 10 9 6 0 10 -7 10 -16z m-3673 -9 c18 -19 9 -33 -10 -16 -21 17
-77 3 -77 -20 0 -32 -18 -30 -23 4 -5 31 2 53 10 31 4 -13 53 -6 53 7 0 15 30
10 47 -6z m278 5 c3 -5 1 -10 -4 -10 -6 0 -11 5 -11 10 0 6 2 10 4 10 3 0 8
-4 11 -10z m3838 -4 c-3 -4 1 -12 8 -17 10 -6 8 -9 -9 -9 -15 0 -21 4 -16 12
5 8 2 9 -10 5 -20 -8 -39 0 -31 13 3 5 19 8 34 7 16 -1 27 -6 24 -11z m-4633
-11 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -7 7 -4 15 4 8 8 15 10 15 2 0 4 -7 4 -15z
m646 -10 c-3 -9 -11 -13 -16 -10 -8 5 -7 11 1 21 14 18 24 11 15 -11z m3884
11 c0 -9 7 -12 20 -9 24 6 27 -12 4 -21 -19 -7 -17 -8 -33 22 -8 14 -8 22 -1
22 5 0 10 -6 10 -14z m-4440 -6 c0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -4 15 -9 0 -5 -11
-8 -24 -8 -18 0 -24 5 -23 18 1 19 17 27 17 9z m4065 0 c3 -5 -1 -10 -9 -10
-9 0 -16 5 -16 10 0 6 4 10 9 10 6 0 13 -4 16 -10z m-3448 -32 c-3 -8 -6 -5
-6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z m-777 2 c0 -5 -2 -10 -4 -10 -3 0 -8
5 -11 10 -3 6 -1 10 4 10 6 0 11 -4 11 -10z m650 0 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0
-7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z m21 -23 c-8 -8 -11 -7 -11 4 0 20
13 34 18 19 3 -7 -1 -17 -7 -23z m-734 -29 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13
3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z"/>
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-10 -4 -10 -10z"/>
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-4 -4 -4 -10z"/>
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-5 -10 -11z"/>
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18 -31 18 -16 1z"/>
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-16 -4 -16 -10z"/>
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29 -2 2 -3 0 -3 -6z"/>
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-5 6 3 10 9 15 12 12 3 -3 0 -11 -7 -18z"/>
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-5 -10 -11z"/>
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2 217 -168 0 -169 0 -7 -211z"/>
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m236 0 l-3 -128 -67 -3 -68 -3 0 131 0 130 70 0 71 0 -3 -127z"/>
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-23 0 -35 10 -17 47 -18 493 -21 264 -1 481 -5 481 -8 0 -8 -71 -95 -139 -170
-86 -94 -141 -165 -141 -181 0 -8 9 -28 21 -44 l20 -29 -119 0 c-101 0 -123
-3 -142 -18 -29 -23 -22 -67 12 -76 13 -3 299 -6 636 -6 599 0 612 0 632 20
26 26 25 45 -2 64 -19 14 -64 16 -289 16 -229 0 -266 2 -266 15 0 12 17 15 88
15 92 0 119 11 119 50 0 18 -78 228 -104 278 -7 15 -17 37 -20 50 l-7 22 140
0 c133 0 141 1 155 22 14 20 14 24 -1 40 -14 15 -37 18 -182 20 l-166 3 -23
43 c-33 59 -66 58 -116 -3z m27 -257 c-3 -95 -6 -174 -7 -175 -5 -6 -246 -6
-246 0 0 5 27 40 59 78 32 39 88 115 122 170 35 54 67 99 70 99 4 0 4 -78 2
-172z m146 -32 c54 -144 54 -146 -10 -146 l-50 0 0 58 c1 31 -1 104 -4 162 -6
120 -9 123 64 -74z m-151 -248 c-3 -9 -38 -14 -115 -16 -89 -2 -112 0 -123 13
-11 13 2 15 115 15 97 0 126 -3 123 -12z"/>
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0 856 20 16 16 18 25 10 40 -11 20 -24 20 -863 20 -650 0 -856 -3 -865 -12z"/>
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40 10 l24 23 62 -57 62 -58 21 22 21 22 -59 53 c-57 51 -59 55 -47 79 14 25 8
46 -12 46 -7 -1 -38 -25 -69 -55z"/>
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-18 36 7 30 39 39 33 32 -22 -5 -43 -3 -50 18 -65 23 -16 24 -15 27 1 10 60
12 63 47 63 24 0 38 7 49 22 27 39 20 76 -23 119 -21 22 -43 39 -48 39 -5 0
-41 -30 -81 -66z m108 -24 c12 -23 6 -40 -15 -40 -14 0 -35 29 -35 49 0 19 39
12 50 -9z"/>
<path d="M6262 2779 c-55 -28 -78 -60 -62 -88 14 -26 35 -26 88 -1 53 26 102
25 154 -1 65 -33 117 -5 84 46 -40 61 -181 85 -264 44z"/>
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-33 -96 66 -73 81 -81 97 -52 8 13 3 24 -22 50 -35 36 -27 40 49 21 39 -10 48
-9 62 5 15 15 12 21 -48 82 -81 82 -93 89 -114 65z"/>
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34 -17 60 -19 13 -35 29 -35 36 0 20 22 27 34 11 6 -8 21 -20 32 -26 18 -9 24
-8 34 4 11 12 8 20 -15 44 -21 22 -26 33 -18 41 7 7 21 2 46 -20 39 -35 49
-37 66 -17 9 11 0 24 -46 65 -32 28 -60 50 -63 50 -3 0 -32 -30 -65 -66z"/>
<path d="M5650 2607 c-27 -14 -36 -43 -20 -67 8 -13 86 -15 579 -18 510 -2
571 -1 585 13 20 21 20 49 0 69 -14 14 -79 16 -567 16 -424 0 -558 -3 -577
<path d="M7308 2502 c-26 -20 -47 -41 -47 -47 -1 -5 29 -47 64 -93 74 -92 68
-91 145 -23 43 38 44 40 28 57 -17 17 -19 17 -47 -10 -18 -17 -36 -26 -45 -23
-23 9 -20 22 9 41 26 17 30 32 16 55 -7 11 -16 8 -45 -14 -32 -25 -36 -26 -43
-10 -4 13 3 25 26 44 23 19 30 32 25 44 -10 26 -34 20 -86 -21z"/>
<path d="M4940 2521 c-54 -17 -90 -42 -96 -68 -14 -53 27 -78 74 -44 49 34
101 37 162 8 41 -20 58 -23 72 -16 47 25 26 74 -46 108 -47 21 -117 27 -166
<path d="M2885 2444 c-11 -9 -51 -32 -90 -51 -38 -19 -72 -37 -74 -39 -2 -2 4
-13 14 -24 11 -13 25 -18 39 -14 30 7 74 -29 78 -64 2 -18 10 -28 24 -30 18
-3 23 7 43 103 17 83 19 110 10 121 -14 17 -19 17 -44 -2z m-15 -89 c0 -26
-14 -33 -25 -15 -9 14 1 40 15 40 5 0 10 -11 10 -25z"/>
<path d="M7156 2389 c-10 -16 -13 -36 -9 -70 3 -28 2 -49 -4 -49 -5 0 -24 11
-43 25 -38 28 -53 31 -68 12 -8 -10 0 -31 32 -86 24 -40 51 -80 60 -89 14 -15
17 -15 32 -1 14 14 13 19 -6 52 -26 43 -17 48 21 11 37 -36 53 -24 44 35 l-7
46 26 -24 c14 -14 26 -30 26 -38 0 -19 14 -16 34 6 20 22 25 14 -62 124 -30
37 -55 67 -57 67 -2 0 -11 -10 -19 -21z"/>
<path d="M3023 2273 c-28 -43 -54 -83 -57 -90 -9 -16 98 -87 119 -80 25 10 17
35 -19 60 l-35 23 41 67 c39 64 44 97 16 97 -8 0 -36 -35 -65 -77z"/>
<path d="M4430 2330 c-24 -24 -24 -30 -6 -55 13 -18 39 -18 652 -17 593 1 640
3 651 19 17 23 16 30 -7 53 -20 20 -33 20 -645 20 -612 0 -625 0 -645 -20z"/>
<path d="M6893 2243 c-30 -6 -63 -49 -63 -83 0 -19 8 -33 26 -45 22 -14 33
-15 72 -5 30 7 48 8 55 1 14 -14 -10 -41 -37 -41 -31 0 -50 -16 -43 -34 8 -20
58 -21 96 -1 16 8 34 28 41 44 25 61 -34 105 -112 84 -43 -12 -51 -8 -37 18 5
11 21 19 35 19 28 0 44 28 23 41 -15 9 -19 9 -56 2z"/>
<path d="M3432 2127 c-16 -18 -82 -160 -82 -174 0 -15 43 -29 47 -16 12 35 28
43 61 31 27 -11 37 -10 60 2 34 20 49 61 34 94 -15 33 -106 81 -120 63z m63
-87 c0 -18 -6 -26 -22 -28 -24 -3 -29 11 -17 43 10 25 39 14 39 -15z"/>
<path d="M6659 2111 c-34 -34 -37 -70 -9 -96 16 -14 30 -17 70 -12 29 4 52 2
56 -4 10 -16 -16 -38 -49 -41 -39 -4 -43 -29 -6 -42 36 -12 93 17 109 55 23
56 -28 95 -114 87 -45 -4 -43 19 3 33 42 12 53 32 25 43 -32 12 -56 5 -85 -23z"/>
<path d="M3631 2027 c-5 -12 -23 -56 -40 -97 -28 -69 -29 -76 -14 -87 25 -19
33 -16 45 19 10 29 12 30 25 13 7 -11 13 -28 13 -40 0 -26 18 -45 43 -45 17 0
18 5 13 35 -6 31 -3 40 23 64 55 51 35 104 -52 140 l-48 21 -8 -23z m79 -61
c0 -2 3 -11 6 -19 6 -17 -19 -29 -41 -21 -8 4 -15 15 -15 25 0 14 7 19 25 19
14 0 25 -2 25 -4z"/>
<path d="M6445 2015 c-58 -57 -15 -122 71 -109 41 6 46 5 42 -12 -2 -13 -16
-21 -46 -27 -33 -6 -42 -13 -40 -25 2 -12 15 -18 46 -20 36 -3 47 1 72 27 36
35 38 60 7 89 -18 17 -36 22 -75 22 -29 0 -52 4 -52 10 0 13 34 30 59 30 14 0
21 6 21 20 0 31 -73 28 -105 -5z"/>
<path d="M5928 2003 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/>
<path d="M5808 1973 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/>
<path d="M6257 1950 c-32 -10 -61 -21 -64 -24 -4 -4 54 -194 63 -204 5 -7 144
42 144 51 0 4 -5 17 -10 28 -11 19 -11 19 -50 -1 -49 -25 -50 -25 -50 1 0 13
10 23 30 30 19 7 30 18 30 29 0 28 -16 33 -49 15 -37 -19 -37 -19 -45 0 -4 12
7 21 40 35 32 14 45 25 42 37 -4 24 -16 24 -81 3z"/>
<path d="M3839 1911 c-77 -77 2 -215 104 -182 67 22 98 84 73 145 -19 45 -52
66 -104 66 -35 0 -49 -6 -73 -29z m115 -37 c23 -22 20 -60 -6 -84 -26 -24 -41
-25 -62 -5 -25 25 -29 54 -12 80 19 29 57 33 80 9z"/>
<path d="M4738 1903 c6 -2 18 -2 25 0 6 3 1 5 -13 5 -14 0 -19 -2 -12 -5z"/>
<path d="M4848 1893 c12 -2 30 -2 40 0 9 3 -1 5 -23 4 -22 0 -30 -2 -17 -4z"/>
<path d="M5263 1893 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/>
<path d="M4100 1851 c-27 -103 -38 -167 -31 -174 17 -17 46 -2 49 25 3 26 5
27 45 22 53 -7 87 20 87 69 0 51 -21 68 -99 86 l-41 9 -10 -37z m85 -35 c25
-18 13 -46 -20 -46 -25 0 -31 13 -19 44 7 20 15 20 39 2z"/>
<path d="M5993 1868 c-31 -35 -34 -45 -22 -72 14 -29 59 -50 95 -43 16 3 27 0
31 -10 8 -21 -4 -28 -50 -28 -55 0 -64 -28 -14 -44 60 -20 108 4 122 61 11 42
-31 78 -90 78 -57 0 -58 22 -2 31 44 7 51 13 44 34 -10 25 -89 20 -114 -7z"/>
<path d="M5776 1818 c-35 -33 -40 -60 -15 -91 17 -22 29 -27 65 -27 31 0 44
-4 44 -14 0 -17 -22 -26 -60 -26 -36 0 -49 -19 -25 -37 33 -23 83 -16 116 16
16 16 29 38 29 49 0 31 -57 73 -94 70 -22 -2 -31 1 -31 12 0 10 12 16 33 18
36 4 54 28 31 43 -25 16 -67 10 -93 -13z"/>
<path d="M4307 1759 c-32 -150 -35 -134 23 -147 79 -18 100 -16 100 11 0 19
-7 25 -42 33 -60 13 -59 40 0 35 41 -2 43 -1 40 21 -2 18 -10 24 -35 26 -26 3
-33 8 -33 24 0 18 4 20 33 13 54 -12 61 -11 65 9 6 27 -7 34 -74 41 l-61 7
-16 -73z"/>
<path d="M4515 1789 c-2 -8 -11 -54 -19 -104 -12 -70 -13 -91 -3 -97 28 -18
47 -1 47 43 0 32 16 21 33 -21 12 -32 20 -40 41 -40 26 0 36 23 16 35 -16 10
-11 41 10 60 29 26 27 90 -2 109 -34 22 -117 32 -123 15z m83 -48 c21 -13 10
-46 -16 -49 -24 -4 -38 18 -28 43 6 17 24 19 44 6z"/>
<path d="M5561 1753 c-25 -92 -40 -167 -35 -175 10 -15 43 -8 54 12 16 30 54
36 78 12 19 -19 62 -21 62 -4 0 4 -25 48 -56 99 -64 105 -87 118 -103 56z m57
-76 c2 -10 -3 -17 -12 -17 -10 0 -16 9 -16 21 0 24 23 21 28 -4z"/>
<path d="M4727 1744 c-4 -16 -9 -64 -13 -106 l-6 -78 30 0 c28 0 31 3 34 38
l3 37 22 -41 c23 -43 43 -57 68 -48 12 5 11 12 -5 45 -20 38 -20 38 0 49 15 8
20 21 20 49 0 50 -22 69 -92 77 -56 6 -56 6 -61 -22z m101 -51 c3 -17 -2 -23
-15 -23 -25 0 -43 19 -36 37 9 22 48 11 51 -14z"/>
<path d="M5298 1748 c-8 -13 -18 -32 -22 -43 l-7 -20 -15 20 c-8 11 -20 28
-27 39 -9 13 -19 17 -35 12 -12 -4 -22 -11 -22 -14 0 -4 18 -31 40 -61 31 -41
40 -62 40 -92 0 -37 2 -39 30 -39 29 0 30 1 29 49 -1 33 7 67 24 104 21 47 23
56 10 61 -24 10 -30 7 -45 -16z"/>
<path d="M4943 1747 c-11 -18 9 -47 33 -47 23 0 24 -2 24 -80 l0 -80 30 0 30
0 0 86 c0 75 2 85 16 80 19 -7 44 10 44 29 0 10 -24 14 -86 17 -47 2 -88 0
-91 -5z"/>
<path d="M6320 1620 c-23 -7 -23 -8 -3 -9 12 -1 25 4 28 9 3 6 5 10 3 9 -2 -1
-14 -5 -28 -9z"/>
<path d="M4165 1526 c17 -7 53 -16 80 -19 l50 -5 -44 14 c-25 7 -61 16 -80 19
l-36 5 30 -14z"/>
<path d="M6020 1530 c-21 -7 -21 -8 -5 -9 11 0 27 4 35 9 18 11 5 11 -30 0z"/>
<path d="M5958 1513 c6 -2 18 -2 25 0 6 3 1 5 -13 5 -14 0 -19 -2 -12 -5z"/>


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View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:unit2/model/passo/city.dart';
import 'package:unit2/sevices/offline/offline_passo/admin/sql_services/sql_services.dart';
import '../../../../../sevices/offline/offline_passo/admin/api_services/municipalities_api_services.dart';
part 'municipalities_admin_event.dart';
part 'municipalities_admin_state.dart';
@ -15,6 +17,28 @@ class MunicipalitiesAdminBloc
emit(MunicipalitiesLoaded(city: city));
// on<MunicipalitiesSyncToDevice>((event, emit) async {
// try {
// final result =
// await MunicipalityAdminApiServices.instance.fetch();
// // Assuming result is a List of JSON objects, convert them to City objects.
// final cities =
// result.map((json) => City.fromJson(json)).toList();
// // Loop through the list of City objects and insert them into the local database.
// for (City city in cities) {
// print(city.cityDescription);
// print(city.cityCode);
// await SQLServices.instance.createMunicipalities(city);
// }
// } catch (e) {
// // Handle any errors that might occur during the API call or database insertion.
// print("Error: $e");
// }
// // emit(const LoadMunicipalities());
// });
on<AddMunicipality>((event, emit) async {
await SQLServices.instance.createMunicipalities(

View File

@ -32,3 +32,10 @@ class LoadMunicipalities extends MunicipalitiesAdminEvent {
List<Object> get props => [];
class MunicipalitiesSyncToDevice extends MunicipalitiesAdminEvent {
const MunicipalitiesSyncToDevice();
List<Object> get props => [];

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class BldgAssessmentOfflineBloc
recommendapprName: event.recommendapprName,
recommendapprDate: event.recommendapprDate,
approvedbyName: event.approvedbyName,
approvedbyDate: event.approvedbyDate,
memoranda: event.memoranda,
swornstatementNo: event.swornstatementNo,
dateReceived: event.dateReceived,

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class AddBldgAssessment extends BldgAssessmentOfflineEvent {
final String recommendapprName;
final String recommendapprDate;
final String approvedbyName;
final String approvedbyDate;
final String memoranda;
final String swornstatementNo;
final String dateReceived;
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ class AddBldgAssessment extends BldgAssessmentOfflineEvent {
required this.recommendapprName,
required this.recommendapprDate,
required this.approvedbyName,
required this.approvedbyDate,
required this.memoranda,
required this.swornstatementNo,
required this.dateReceived,
@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ class AddBldgAssessment extends BldgAssessmentOfflineEvent {

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:unit2/sevices/offline/offline_passo/admin/sql_services/sql_services.dart';
import 'package:unit2/sevices/passo/building/building_services.dart';
import '../../../../../model/offline/offline_profile.dart';
import '../../../../../model/passo/additional_items.dart';
import '../../../../../model/passo/bldg_loc.dart';
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ import '../../../../../model/passo/structureMaterial.dart';
import '../../../../../model/passo/todo.dart';
import '../../../../../sevices/offline/offline_passo/building/property_owner_info_service.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
// as http;
import '../../../../../utils/urls.dart';
part 'crud_event.dart';
@ -84,265 +86,293 @@ class CrudBloc extends Bloc<CrudEvent, CrudState> {
on<UploadBuildingFaas>(((event, emit) async {
List<PropertyInfo> propertyOwner =
await SQLServices.instance.readAllBldgOwner();
for (PropertyInfo infos in propertyOwner) {
//General Description
List<Map<String, dynamic>> genDesc =
await SQLServices.instance.getGeneralDescription(infos.id);
List<GeneralDesc> genDescList =
genDesc.map((map) => GeneralDesc.fromJson2(map)).toList();
try {
List<PropertyInfo> propertyOwner =
await SQLServices.instance.readAllBldgOwner();
for (PropertyInfo infos in propertyOwner) {
//General Description
List<Map<String, dynamic>> genDesc =
await SQLServices.instance.getGeneralDescription(infos.id);
List<GeneralDesc> genDescList =
genDesc.map((map) => GeneralDesc.fromJson2(map)).toList();
GeneralDesc firstGenDesc = genDescList.first;
GeneralDesc firstGenDesc = genDescList.first;
List<Map<String, dynamic>> loc =
await SQLServices.instance.getLandRef(infos.id);
List<Map<String, dynamic>> loc =
await SQLServices.instance.getLocation(infos.id);
List<BldgLoc> locList =
loc.map((map) => BldgLoc.fromJson2(map)).toList();
List<BldgLoc> locList =
loc.map((map) => BldgLoc.fromJson2(map)).toList();
BldgLoc firstLoc = locList.first;
BldgLoc firstLoc = locList.first;
//Land Refeernce
List<Map<String, dynamic>> landRef =
await SQLServices.instance.getLocation(infos.id);
//Land Refeernce
List<Map<String, dynamic>> landRef =
await SQLServices.instance.getLandRef(infos.id);
List<LandRef> landRefList =
landRef.map((map) => LandRef.fromJson2(map)).toList();
List<LandRef> landRefList =
landRef.map((map) => LandRef.fromJson2(map)).toList();
LandRef firstLandRef = landRefList.first;
LandRef firstLandRef = landRefList.first;
List<Map<String, dynamic>> assessment =
await SQLServices.instance.getBldgAssessment(infos.id);
List<Map<String, dynamic>> assessment =
await SQLServices.instance.getBldgAssessment(infos.id);
List<PropertyAssessment> assessList =
assessment.map((map) => PropertyAssessment.fromJson2(map)).toList();
List<PropertyAssessment> assessList = assessment
.map((map) => PropertyAssessment.fromJson2(map))
PropertyAssessment firstAssess = assessList.first;
PropertyAssessment firstAssess = assessList.first;
//Structural Materials
List<Map<String, dynamic>> strucMat =
await SQLServices.instance.getStructuralMaterials(infos.id);
List<StructureMaterials> strcuMatList =
strucMat.map((map) => StructureMaterials.fromJson2(map)).toList();
//Structural Materials
List<Map<String, dynamic>> strucMat =
await SQLServices.instance.getStructuralMaterials(infos.id);
List<StructureMaterials> strcuMatList =
strucMat.map((map) => StructureMaterials.fromJson2(map)).toList();
StructureMaterials firstStructMat = strcuMatList.first;
StructureMaterials firstStructMat = strcuMatList.first;
//Additional Items
List<Map<String, dynamic>> addItems =
await SQLServices.instance.getAdditionalItems(infos.id);
List<AdditionalItems> addItemsList =
addItems.map((map) => AdditionalItems.fromJson(map)).toList();
//Additional Items
List<Map<String, dynamic>> addItems =
await SQLServices.instance.getAdditionalItems(infos.id);
List<AdditionalItems> addItemsList =
addItems.map((map) => AdditionalItems.fromJson(map)).toList();
//BLDG Structure
List<Map<String, dynamic>> bldgStructure =
await SQLServices.instance.getBuildingAndStructure(infos.id);
List<BldgAndStructure> bldgStructureList =
bldgStructure.map((map) => BldgAndStructure.fromJson(map)).toList();
//BLDG Structure
List<Map<String, dynamic>> bldgStructure =
await SQLServices.instance.getBuildingAndStructure(infos.id);
List<BldgAndStructure> bldgStructureList = bldgStructure
.map((map) => BldgAndStructure.fromJson(map))
DateTime dateIssued = DateTime.parse(firstGenDesc.dateIssued!);
DateTime dateIssued = DateTime.parse(firstGenDesc.dateIssued!);
final details = {
"assessed_by_id": event.offlineProfile.id.toString(),
"assessed_by_name": event.offlineProfile.firstName,
"date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"trans_code": infos.transCode,
"tdn": infos.tdn,
"pin": infos.pin,
"fname": infos.fname,
"mname": infos.mname,
"lname": infos.lname,
"bday": infos.bday,
"address": infos.address,
"telno": infos.telno,
"tin": infos.tin,
"admin_user": infos.adminUser,
"admin_address": infos.adminAddress,
"admin_telno": infos.adminTelno,
"admin_tin": infos.adminTin,
"faas_type": infos.faasType,
"gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_location.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_location.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_location.street": firstLoc.street,
"bldgappr_location.barangay": firstLoc.barangay,
"bldgappr_location.municipality": firstLoc.municipality,
"bldgappr_location.province": firstLoc.province,
"bldgappr_location.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_landref.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_landref.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_landref.owner": firstLandRef.owner,
"bldgappr_landref.cloa_no": firstLandRef.cloaNo,
"bldgappr_landref.lot_no": firstLandRef.lotNo,
"bldgappr_landref.tdn": firstLandRef.tdn,
"bldgappr_landref.area": firstLandRef.area,
"bldgappr_landref.survey_no": firstLandRef.surveyNo,
"bldgappr_landref.blk_no": firstLandRef.blkNo,
"bldgappr_landref.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_generaldesc.bldg_kind": firstGenDesc.bldgKind,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.struc_type": firstGenDesc.strucType,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.bldg_permit": firstGenDesc.bldgPermit,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_issued": DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
"bldgappr_generaldesc.cct": null,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_completed": DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_occupied": DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
"bldgappr_generaldesc.bldg_age": firstGenDesc.bldgAge,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.no_storeys": firstGenDesc.noStoreys,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.area_1stfloor": firstGenDesc.area1Stfloor,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.area_2ndfloor": firstGenDesc.area2Ndfloor,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.area_3rdfloor": firstGenDesc.area3Rdfloor,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.area_4thfloor": firstGenDesc.area4Thfloor,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.total_floor_area": firstGenDesc.totalFloorArea,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.floor_sketch": null,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.actual_use": firstGenDesc.actualUse,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.unit_value": firstGenDesc.unitValue,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_struct_materials.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_struct_materials.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_struct_materials.foundation": firstStructMat.foundation,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.columns": firstStructMat.columns,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.beams": firstStructMat.beams,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.roof": firstStructMat.roof,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.flooring": firstStructMat.flooring,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.walls": firstStructMat.walls,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.others": firstStructMat.others,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_property_assessment.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_property_assessment.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_property_assessment.actual_use": firstAssess.actualUse,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.market_value": firstAssess.marketValue,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.taxable": firstAssess.taxable,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.exempt": firstAssess.exempt,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.qtr": firstAssess.qtr,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.yr": firstAssess.yr,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.approvedby_date": null,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.memoranda": firstAssess.memoranda,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.date_received": DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
"bldgappr_property_assessment.entry_date_assessment": null,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.entry_date_by": DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
"bldgappr_property_assessment.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.pin": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.tdn": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.total_assval": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.owner": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.effectivity_ass": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.page_no": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.total_marketval": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.total_area": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.rec_assessment": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.rec_taxmapping": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.rec_records": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.date": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.gen_code": "5TH"
final details = {
"assessed_by_id": event.offlineProfile.id.toString(),
"assessed_by_name": event.offlineProfile.firstName,
"date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"trans_code": infos.transCode,
"tdn": '222',
"pin": infos.pin,
"fname": infos.fname,
"mname": infos.mname,
"lname": infos.lname,
"bday": infos.bday,
"address": infos.address,
"telno": infos.telno,
"tin": infos.tin,
"admin_user": infos.adminUser,
"admin_address": infos.adminAddress,
"admin_telno": infos.adminTelno,
"admin_tin": infos.adminTin,
"faas_type": infos.faasType,
"gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_location.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_location.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_location.street": firstLoc.street,
"bldgappr_location.barangay": firstLoc.barangay,
"bldgappr_location.municipality": firstLoc.municipality,
"bldgappr_location.province": firstLoc.province,
"bldgappr_location.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_landref.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_landref.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_landref.owner": firstLandRef.owner,
"bldgappr_landref.cloa_no": firstLandRef.cloaNo,
"bldgappr_landref.lot_no": firstLandRef.lotNo,
"bldgappr_landref.tdn": firstLandRef.tdn,
"bldgappr_landref.area": firstLandRef.area,
"bldgappr_landref.survey_no": firstLandRef.surveyNo,
"bldgappr_landref.blk_no": firstLandRef.blkNo,
"bldgappr_landref.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_generaldesc.bldg_kind": firstGenDesc.bldgKind,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.struc_type": firstGenDesc.strucType,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.bldg_permit": firstGenDesc.bldgPermit,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_issued": DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
"bldgappr_generaldesc.cct": null,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_completed": DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
"bldgappr_generaldesc.date_occupied": DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
"bldgappr_generaldesc.bldg_age": firstGenDesc.bldgAge,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.no_storeys": firstGenDesc.noStoreys,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.area_1stfloor": firstGenDesc.area1Stfloor,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.area_2ndfloor": firstGenDesc.area2Ndfloor,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.area_3rdfloor": firstGenDesc.area3Rdfloor,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.area_4thfloor": firstGenDesc.area4Thfloor,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.floor_sketch": null,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.actual_use": firstGenDesc.actualUse,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.unit_value": firstGenDesc.unitValue,
"bldgappr_generaldesc.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_struct_materials.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_struct_materials.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_struct_materials.foundation": firstStructMat.foundation,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.columns": firstStructMat.columns,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.beams": firstStructMat.beams,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.roof": firstStructMat.roof,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.flooring": firstStructMat.flooring,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.walls": firstStructMat.walls,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.others": firstStructMat.others,
"bldgappr_struct_materials.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_property_assessment.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_property_assessment.actual_use": firstAssess.actualUse,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.taxable": firstAssess.taxable,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.exempt": firstAssess.exempt,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.qtr": firstAssess.qtr,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.yr": firstAssess.yr,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.memoranda": firstAssess.memoranda,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.note": firstAssess.note,
"bldgappr_property_assessment.entry_date_by": " ",
"bldgappr_property_assessment.gen_code": "5TH",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.date_created": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.date_modified": "{{currentTimestamp}}",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.pin": " ",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.tdn": " ",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.total_assval": "0",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.owner": " ",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.effectivity_ass": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.page_no": "0",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.total_marketval": "0",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.total_area": "0",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.rec_assessment": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.rec_taxmapping": " ",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.rec_records": " ",
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.date": null,
"bldgappr_rec_supersededass.gen_code": "5TH"
// print(details);
// http.Response response =
// (await BuildingServices.instance.add(details))!;
// print(response.body);
String xClientKey = "unitK3CQaXiWlPReDsBzmmwBZPd9Re1z";
String xClientKeySecret = "unitcYqAN7GGalyz";
Map<String, String> headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'X-Client-Key': xClientKey,
'X-Client-Secret': xClientKeySecret
String xClientKey = "unitK3CQaXiWlPReDsBzmmwBZPd9Re1z";
String xClientKeySecret = "unitcYqAN7GGalyz";
Map<String, String> headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'X-Client-Key': xClientKey,
'X-Client-Secret': xClientKeySecret
Response details_response = await post(
headers: headers,
body: jsonEncode(details));
final datas = json.decode(details_response.body);
for (AdditionalItems items in addItemsList) {
final addItems = AdditionalItems(
id: 1,
bldgapprDetailsId: datas['data']['id'],
classId: items.classId,
className: items.className,
structType: items.structType,
unitValue: items.unitValue,
baseUnitValue: items.baseUnitValue,
area: items.area,
marketValue: items.marketValue,
depreciationRate: items.depreciationRate,
adjustedMarketVal: items.adjustedMarketVal,
amtDepreciation: items.amtDepreciation,
painted: items.painted,
secondhand: items.secondhand,
paintedUnitval: items.paintedUnitval,
secondhandUnitval: items.secondhandUnitval,
actualUse: items.actualUse,
genCode: "5TH");
Response add_response = await post(
Response details_response = await post(
headers: headers,
body: jsonEncode(addItems));
for (BldgAndStructure structure in bldgStructureList) {
final bldgStruc = BldgAndStructure(
id: 1,
bldgapprDetailsId: datas['data']['id'],
bldgArea: structure.bldgArea,
bldgType: structure.bldgType,
structType: structure.structType,
description: structure.description,
actualUse: structure.actualUse,
floorCount: structure.floorCount,
unitValue: structure.unitValue,
depRate: structure.depRate,
marketValue: structure.marketValue,
depAmount: structure.depAmount,
adjustedMarketValue: structure.adjustedMarketValue,
genCode: '5TH',
buccPercentage: structure.buccPercentage);
Response response = await post(
headers: headers,
body: jsonEncode(bldgStruc));
body: jsonEncode(details));
final datas = json.decode(details_response.body);
for (AdditionalItems items in addItemsList) {
final addItems = AdditionalItems(
id: 1,
bldgapprDetailsId: datas['data']['id'],
classId: items.classId,
className: items.className,
structType: items.structType,
unitValue: items.unitValue,
baseUnitValue: items.baseUnitValue,
area: items.area,
marketValue: items.marketValue,
depreciationRate: items.depreciationRate,
adjustedMarketVal: items.adjustedMarketVal,
amtDepreciation: items.amtDepreciation,
painted: items.painted,
secondhand: items.secondhand,
paintedUnitval: items.paintedUnitval,
secondhandUnitval: items.secondhandUnitval,
actualUse: items.actualUse,
genCode: "5TH");
Response add_response = await post(
headers: headers,
body: jsonEncode(addItems));
for (BldgAndStructure structure in bldgStructureList) {
final bldgStruc = BldgAndStructure(
id: 1,
bldgapprDetailsId: datas['data']['id'],
bldgArea: structure.bldgArea,
bldgType: structure.bldgType,
structType: structure.structType,
description: structure.description,
actualUse: structure.actualUse,
floorCount: structure.floorCount,
unitValue: structure.unitValue,
depRate: structure.depRate,
marketValue: structure.marketValue,
depAmount: structure.depAmount,
adjustedMarketValue: structure.adjustedMarketValue,
genCode: '5TH',
buccPercentage: structure.buccPercentage);
Response response = await post(
headers: headers,
body: jsonEncode(bldgStruc));
emit(PropertyInfoLoaded(propertyInfos: propertyOwner));
} catch (e) {
emit(PropertyOwnerInfoErrorState(errorMessage: e.toString()));
emit(PropertyInfoLoaded(propertyInfos: propertyOwner));

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class PropertyAssessment {
final String recommendapprName;
final String recommendapprDate;
final String approvedbyName;
final String approvedbyDate;
final String memoranda;
final String swornstatementNo;
final String dateReceived;
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ class PropertyAssessment {
required this.recommendapprName,
required this.recommendapprDate,
required this.approvedbyName,
required this.approvedbyDate,
required this.memoranda,
required this.swornstatementNo,
required this.dateReceived,
@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ class PropertyAssessment {
String? recommendapprName,
String? recommendapprDate,
String? approvedbyName,
String? approvedbyDate,
String? memoranda,
String? swornstatementNo,
String? dateReceived,
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@ class PropertyAssessment {
recommendapprName: recommendapprName ?? this.recommendapprName,
recommendapprDate: recommendapprDate ?? this.recommendapprDate,
approvedbyName: approvedbyName ?? this.approvedbyName,
approvedbyDate: approvedbyDate ?? this.approvedbyDate,
memoranda: memoranda ?? this.memoranda,
swornstatementNo: swornstatementNo ?? this.swornstatementNo,
dateReceived: dateReceived ?? this.dateReceived,
@ -162,6 +166,7 @@ class PropertyAssessment {
recommendapprName: json["recommendappr_name"],
recommendapprDate: json["recommendappr_date"],
approvedbyName: json["approvedby_name"],
approvedbyDate: json["approvedby_date"],
memoranda: json["memoranda"],
swornstatementNo: json["swornstatement_no"],
dateReceived: json["date_received"],
@ -195,6 +200,7 @@ class PropertyAssessment {
recommendapprName: json["recommendapprName"],
recommendapprDate: json["recommendapprDate"],
approvedbyName: json["approvedbyName"],
approvedbyDate: json["approvedbyDate"],
memoranda: json["memoranda"],
swornstatementNo: json["swornstatementNo"],
dateReceived: json["dateReceived"],
@ -227,6 +233,7 @@ class PropertyAssessment {
"recommendappr_name": recommendapprName,
"recommendappr_date": recommendapprDate,
"approvedby_name": approvedbyName,
"approvedby_date": approvedbyDate,
"memoranda": memoranda,
"swornstatement_no": swornstatementNo,
"date_received": dateReceived,

View File

@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ class _BarangayAdminPage extends State<BarangayAdminPage> {
for (Brgy brgy in brgys) {
await SQLServices.instance.createBarangay(brgy);
} catch (e) {
// Handle any errors that might occur during the API call or database insertion.
print("Error: $e");

View File

@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ class _ClassComponentsAdminPage extends State<ClassComponentsAdminPage> {
// Assuming result is a List of JSON objects, convert them to City objects.
} catch (e) {
// Handle any errors that might occur during the API call or database insertion.

View File

@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ class _MemorandaAdminPage extends State<MemorandaAdminPage> {
await SQLServices.instance.createMemoranda(memo);
} catch (e) {
// Handle any errors that might occur during the API call or database insertion.
print("Error: $e");

View File

@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ class _MunicipalitiesAdminPage extends State<MunicipalitiesAdminPage> {
await SQLServices.instance.createMunicipalities(city);
} catch (e) {
// Handle any errors that might occur during the API call or database insertion.
print("Error: $e");

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class _SignatoriesAdminPage extends State<SignatoriesAdminPage> {
await SQLServices.instance.createSignatories(signatory);
} catch (e) {
// Handle any errors that might occur during the API call or database insertion.
print("Error: $e");

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import '../../../../sevices/offline/offline_passo/admin/sql_services/sql_service
import '../../../../theme-data.dart/colors.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import '../../../../utils/urls.dart';
class UnitConstructionAdminPage extends StatefulWidget {
const UnitConstructionAdminPage();
@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ class _UnitConstructionAdminPage extends State<UnitConstructionAdminPage> {
// Loop through the list of City objects and insert them into the local database.
Response response = await get(Uri.parse(
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
@ -60,6 +62,10 @@ class _UnitConstructionAdminPage extends State<UnitConstructionAdminPage> {
for (UnitConstruct unit in units) {
await SQLServices.instance.createUnitConstruction(unit);
} catch (e) {
// Handle any errors that might occur during the API call or database insertion.

View File

@ -75,6 +75,14 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
double _calculateMarketValue(unitVal, unitBase, area, withBUCC) {
if (withBUCC == false) {
return ((unitVal * unitBase) * area);
} else {
return (unitVal * area);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocBuilder<AdditionalItemsOfflineBloc, AdditionalItemsOfflineState>(
@ -143,6 +151,12 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
'buccValue': (double.parse(value
.minBaseUnitvalPercent!) *
if (value.maxBaseUnitvalPercent !=
'0.00') {
@ -159,6 +173,12 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
'buccValue': (double.parse(value
.maxBaseUnitvalPercent!) *
if (value.minUnitvalSqrmtr != '0.00') {
setState(() {
@ -173,6 +193,8 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
'unitValue': value.minUnitvalSqrmtr
.patchValue({'buccValue': '100'});
if (value.maxUnitvalSqrmtr != '0.00') {
setState(() {
@ -187,6 +209,8 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
'unitValue': value.maxUnitvalSqrmtr
.patchValue({'buccValue': '100'});
if (value.minAddBaseunitval != '0.00') {
setState(() {
@ -201,6 +225,8 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
'unitValue': value.minAddBaseunitval
.patchValue({'buccValue': '100'});
if (value.maxAddBaseunitval != '0.00') {
setState(() {
@ -215,6 +241,8 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
'unitValue': value.maxAddBaseunitval
.patchValue({'buccValue': '100'});
if (value.minDeductBaserate != '0.00') {
setState(() {
@ -229,6 +257,8 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
'unitValue': value.minDeductBaserate
.patchValue({'buccValue': '100'});
if (value.maxDeductBaserate != '0.00') {
setState(() {
@ -243,6 +273,8 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
'unitValue': value.maxDeductBaserate
.patchValue({'buccValue': '100'});
@ -284,10 +316,11 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
onSuggestionTap: (unit) {
setState(() {
if (_withoutBUCC) {
_unitBase = double.parse(
_unitBase = _unitValue;
_structureType =
'${unit.item!.bldgType} - ${unit.item!.building}';
.patchValue({'buccValue': '100'});
} else {
_unitBase = double.parse(
@ -341,6 +374,40 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
const SizedBox(width: 10),
flex: 1,
child: FormBuilderTextField(
name: 'buccValue',
normalTextFieldStyle("BUCC", ""),
onChanged: (value) {
// setState(() {
// _areaValue = double.parse(value!);
// });
const SizedBox(
height: 40,
width: 40,
child: Center(
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 18,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
height: 10,
children: [
flex: 1,
child: FormBuilderTextField(
@ -579,33 +646,33 @@ class _AddExtraItemsOffline extends State<AddExtraItemsOffline> {
final tempID = await SharedPreferences
id: 1,
bldgapprDetailsId: tempID.getInt(
classId: _classId,
assessedById: widget
assessedByName: widget
dateCreated: formatter,
dateModified: 'None',
className: _className,
structType: _structureType,
unitValue: _withoutBUCC ==
? 0
: _unitValue,
unitValue: _withoutBUCC == true
? 100
: _unitValue * 100,
baseUnitValue: _unitBase,
area: _areaValue,
marketValue: (_unitValue *
_unitBase) *
depreciationRate: _depValue,

View File

@ -261,31 +261,31 @@ class _GeneralDescriptionOfflinePage
dateModified: 'None',
bldgKind: bldgKind ?? "",
strucType: bldgType ?? "",
bldgPermit: offlineBldgKey
.currentState?.value['bldg_permit'] ??
offlineBldgKey.currentState?.value['bldg_permit'] ??
" ",
dateIssued: offlineBldgKey
.toString() ??
" ",
cct: 'None',
certCompletionIssued: offlineBldgKey
.toString() ??
" ",
certOccupancyIssued: offlineBldgKey
.toString() ??
" ",
dateCompleted: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['date_cnstructed'].toString() ?? "",
dateOccupied: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['date_occupied'].toString() ?? "",
bldgAge: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['bldg_age'] ?? "",
noStoreys: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['no_of_storeys'] ?? "",
area1Stfloor: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['area_of_1stFl'] ?? "",
area2Ndfloor: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['area_of_2ndFl'] ?? "",
area3Rdfloor: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['area_of_3rdFl'] ?? "",
area4Thfloor: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['area_of_4thFl'] ?? "",
totalFloorArea: offlineBldgKey.currentState?.value['total_area'] ?? "",
bldgAge: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['bldg_age'] ?? "0",
noStoreys: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['no_of_storeys'] ?? "0",
area1Stfloor: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['area_of_1stFl'] ?? "0",
area2Ndfloor: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['area_of_2ndFl'] ?? "0",
area3Rdfloor: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['area_of_3rdFl'] ?? "0",
area4Thfloor: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['area_of_4thFl'] ?? "0",
totalFloorArea: offlineBldgKey.currentState?.value['total_area'] ?? "0",
floorSketch: null,
actualUse: offlineBldgKey.currentState?.value['actual_use'] ?? "",
unitValue: unitValue ?? "",

View File

@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ class _LandRefLocationOfflinePage extends State<LandRefLocationOfflinePage> {
.cityDescription ??
province: "Agusan Del Norte",
province: "AGUSAN DEL NORTE",
genCode: "5th"));
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ class _LandRefLocationOfflinePage extends State<LandRefLocationOfflinePage> {
?.value['l_td_arp'] ??
offlineBldgKey.currentState?.value['area'] ?? "",
offlineBldgKey.currentState?.value['area'] ?? "0",
surveyNo: offlineBldgKey.currentState?.value['survey_no'] ?? "",
blkNo: offlineBldgKey.currentState?.value['blk_no'] ?? "",
genCode: '5th'));

View File

@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ class _PropertyAppraisalOfflinePage
.map((dataRow) {
return DataRow(cells: [

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -136,37 +136,39 @@ class _PropertyInfoPage extends State<PropertyInfoOfflinePage> {
transCode: offlineBldgKey
?.toString() ??
' ',
tdn: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['arp_td'] ??
offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['pin'] ?? '',
fname: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['fname'] ??
mname: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['mname'] ??
lname: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['lname'] ??
' ',
pin: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['pin'] ??
' ',
offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['fname'] ??
' ',
offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['mname'] ??
' ',
offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['lname'] ??
' ',
bday: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['bday']
.toString() ??
' ',
offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['address'] ??
telno: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['tel_no'] ??
offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['tin'] ?? '',
offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['benificiary'] ?? '',
adminAddress: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['benificiary_address'] ?? '',
adminTin: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['benificiary_tin'] ?? '',
adminTelno: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['benificiary_telno'] ?? '',
' ',
offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['tel_no'] ??
' ',
tin: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['tin'] ?? ' ',
adminUser: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['benificiary'] ?? ' ',
adminAddress: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['benificiary_address'] ?? ' ',
adminTin: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['benificiary_tin'] ?? ' ',
adminTelno: offlineBldgKey.currentState!.value['benificiary_telno'] ?? ' ',
faasType: "BUILDING",
assessedById: widget.offlineProfile.id.toString(),
assessedByName: widget.offlineProfile.firstName!,
dateCreated: formatter,
dateModified: '',
dateModified: ' ',
genCode: '5th'),

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import 'package:unit2/screens/offline/passo/building/edit/property_assessment_ed
import 'package:unit2/screens/offline/passo/building/edit/property_owner_info_edit.dart';
import 'package:unit2/screens/offline/passo/building/edit/structural_materials_edit.dart';
import '../../../../../bloc/offline/offline_passo/building/structural_materials_offline.dart/structural_material_offline_bloc.dart';
import '../../../../../model/passo/property_info.dart';
import '../../../../../theme-data.dart/colors.dart';
@ -59,6 +60,56 @@ class _EditBuildingOffline extends State<EditBuildingOffline> {
return Navigator.of(context).pop();
List<String> foundation = [];
List<String> column = [];
List<String> beam = [];
List<String> trussFraming = [];
List<String> roof = [];
List<String> flooring = [];
List<String> walls = [];
void updateFoundation(List<String> updatedList) {
setState(() {
foundation = updatedList;
void updateColumn(List<String> updatedList) {
setState(() {
column = updatedList;
void updateBeam(List<String> updatedList) {
setState(() {
beam = updatedList;
void updateTrussFraming(List<String> updatedList) {
setState(() {
trussFraming = updatedList;
void updateRoof(List<String> updatedList) {
setState(() {
roof = updatedList;
void updateFlooring(List<String> updatedList) {
setState(() {
flooring = updatedList;
void updateWalls(List<String> updatedList) {
setState(() {
walls = updatedList;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
@ -71,49 +122,62 @@ class _EditBuildingOffline extends State<EditBuildingOffline> {
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24),
backgroundColor: Colors.black87,
indicatorWidget: const SpinKitFadingCircle(color: Colors.white),
child: BlocConsumer<UnitConstructionAdminBloc,
child: BlocConsumer<StructuralMaterialOfflineBloc,
listener: (context, state) {
// TODO: implement listener
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is UnitConstructLoaded) {
final unit = state.unit;
return BlocConsumer<ClassComponentsAdminBloc,
if (state is SpecificStructuralMaterialLoaded) {
return BlocConsumer<UnitConstructionAdminBloc,
listener: (context, state) {
// TODO: implement listener
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is ClassComponentsAdminLoaded) {
return Column(
children: [
numbers: const [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
activeStepColor: primary,
numberStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
lineColor: primary,
// activeStep property set to activeStep variable defined above.
activeStep: activeStep,
activeStepBorderColor: Colors.white,
activeStepBorderWidth: 1,
// This ensures step-tapping updates the activeStep.
onStepReached: (index) {
setState(() {
activeStep = index;
child: StatefulBuilder(builder:
(BuildContext context, StateSetter setState) {
return Container(
child: content(
PrevBtn, NextBtn, unit, state.classes),
if (state is UnitConstructLoaded) {
final unit = state.unit;
return BlocConsumer<ClassComponentsAdminBloc,
listener: (context, state) {
// TODO: implement listener
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is ClassComponentsAdminLoaded) {
return Column(
children: [
numbers: const [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
activeStepColor: primary,
const TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
lineColor: primary,
// activeStep property set to activeStep variable defined above.
activeStep: activeStep,
activeStepBorderColor: Colors.white,
activeStepBorderWidth: 1,
// This ensures step-tapping updates the activeStep.
onStepReached: (index) {
setState(() {
activeStep = index;
child: StatefulBuilder(builder:
(BuildContext context,
StateSetter setState) {
return Container(
child: content(PrevBtn, NextBtn, unit,
return Container();
return Container();
@ -132,7 +196,7 @@ class _EditBuildingOffline extends State<EditBuildingOffline> {
return PropertyOwnerInfoEditOffline(

View File

@ -556,6 +556,8 @@ class _PropertyAssessmentEditOfflinePage
assessment.entryDateAssessment?.toString() ??
assessment.approvedbyDate?.toString() ?? '',
enabled: true,
onChanged: () {
@ -1129,6 +1131,20 @@ class _PropertyAssessmentEditOfflinePage
children: [
width: 100,
const SizedBox(
@ -1417,17 +1433,18 @@ class _PropertyAssessmentEditOfflinePage
recommendapprName: rec_by,
recommendapprDate: offlineBldgEditKey
memoranda: _memoranda,
note: _notes,
swornstatementNo: offlineBldgEditKey
swornstatementNo: offlineBldgEditKey.currentState!.value['sworn_statement'],
dateReceived: offlineBldgEditKey.currentState!.value['date_received'].toString(),
entryDateAssessment: offlineBldgEditKey.currentState!.value['date_of_entry'].toString(),
entryDateBy: '',

View File

@ -211,9 +211,11 @@ class _PropertyOwnerInfoEditOffline
fname: offlineBldgEditKey
.currentState!.value['fname'] ??
mname: offlineBldgEditKey
.currentState!.value['mname'] ??
offlineBldgEditKey.currentState!.value['mname'] ??
bday: offlineBldgEditKey.currentState!.value['bday'].toString(),
lname: offlineBldgEditKey.currentState!.value['lname'] ?? widget.faas.lname,
address: offlineBldgEditKey.currentState!.value['address'] ?? widget.faas.address,
telno: offlineBldgEditKey.currentState!.value['tel_no'] ?? widget.faas.telno,
tin: offlineBldgEditKey.currentState!.value['tin'] ?? widget.faas.tin,

View File

@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ class _StructuralMaterialsPageEditOffline
StructuralMaterialOfflineState>(listener: (context, state) {
if (state is SpecificStructuralMaterialLoaded) {
setState(() {
// foundation = state.materials.foundation?.split(', ') ?? [];
// column = state.materials.columns?.split(', ') ?? [];
// beam = state.materials.beams?.split(', ') ?? [];
// truss_framing = state.materials.trussFraming?.split(', ') ?? [];
// roof = state.materials.roof?.split(', ') ?? [];
// flooring = state.materials.flooring?.split(', ') ?? [];
// walls = state.materials.walls?.split(', ') ?? [];
foundation = state.materials.foundation?.split(', ') ?? [];
column = state.materials.columns?.split(', ') ?? [];
beam = state.materials.beams?.split(', ') ?? [];
truss_framing = state.materials.trussFraming?.split(', ') ?? [];
roof = state.materials.roof?.split(', ') ?? [];
flooring = state.materials.flooring?.split(', ') ?? [];
walls = state.materials.walls?.split(', ') ?? [];
// Update other local state variables here if needed
@ -412,40 +412,48 @@ class _StructuralMaterialsPageEditOffline
foundation: foundationOthers
? offlineBldgEditKey
: foundation,
: foundation.isNotEmpty
? foundation
: [state.materials.foundation!],
columns: columOthers
? offlineBldgEditKey
: column,
: column.isNotEmpty
? column
: [state.materials.columns!],
beams: beamsOthers
? offlineBldgEditKey
: beam,
: beam.isNotEmpty
? beam
: [state.materials.beams!],
trussFraming: tfOthers
? offlineBldgEditKey
: truss_framing,
: truss_framing.isNotEmpty
? truss_framing
: [state.materials.trussFraming!],
roof: roofOthers
? offlineBldgEditKey
: roof,
: roof.isNotEmpty
? roof
: [state.materials.roof!],
flooring: flooringOthers
? offlineBldgEditKey
: flooring,
: flooring.isNotEmpty
? flooring
: [state.materials.flooring!],
walls: wpOthers
? offlineBldgEditKey
: walls,
: walls.isNotEmpty
? walls
: [state.materials.walls!],
others: ["Others"]);
print('struct mat');
id: widget.tempId, materials: strucMaterials));

View File

@ -100,10 +100,14 @@ class BuildingHomeOffline extends StatelessWidget {
// 'actualUse', state.gendesc.actualUse!);
// }
// if (state is GenDescErrorState) {
// final progress = ProgressHUD.of(context);
// progress?.dismiss();
// }
if (state is PropertyInfoLoaded) {
final progress = ProgressHUD.of(context);
if (state is PropertyOwnerInfoErrorState) {
final progress = ProgressHUD.of(context);
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is PropertyInfoLoaded) {

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class _UniT2LoginState extends State<UniT2Login> {
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
height: blockSizeVertical * 12,
allowDrawingOutsideViewBox: true,
color: primary,

View File

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class SQLServices {
firstname TEXT NOT NULL,
middlename TEXT NOT NULL,
lastname TEXT NOT NULL,
designation TEXT
designation TEXT NOT NULL
@ -373,6 +373,7 @@ class SQLServices {
recommendappr_designation TEXT,
approvedbyName TEXT NOT NULL,
approvedby_designation TEXT,
approvedbyDate TEXT,
memoranda TEXT NOT NULL,
swornstatementNo TEXT NOT NULL,
dateReceived TEXT NOT NULL,
@ -1220,7 +1221,6 @@ class SQLServices {
id, StructureMaterialsII materials) async {
final db = await instance.database;
final data = {
"bldgapprDetailsId": materials.bldgapprDetailsId,
"foundation": materials.foundation?.join(', ').splitMapJoin(', '),
"columns": materials.columns!.join(', ').splitMapJoin(', '),
"beams": materials.beams!.join(', ').splitMapJoin(', '),
@ -1434,6 +1434,8 @@ class SQLServices {
Future<PropertyAssessment> createBldgAssessment(
PropertyAssessment assessment) async {
final db = await instance.database;
final data = {
// "id": assessment.id,
@ -1455,6 +1457,7 @@ class SQLServices {
"recommendapprName": assessment.recommendapprName,
"recommendapprDate": assessment.recommendapprDate,
"approvedbyName": assessment.approvedbyName,
"approvedbyDate": assessment.approvedbyDate,
"memoranda": assessment.memoranda,
"swornstatementNo": assessment.swornstatementNo,
"dateReceived": assessment.dateReceived,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:unit2/model/passo/building_details.dart';
import 'package:unit2/model/passo/structural_materials_ii.dart';
import 'package:unit2/model/passo/structureMaterial.dart';
import 'package:unit2/utils/request.dart';
import 'package:unit2/utils/urls.dart';
class BuildingServices {
static final BuildingServices _instance = BuildingServices();
static BuildingServices get instance => _instance;
String xClientKey = "unitK3CQaXiWlPReDsBzmmwBZPd9Re1z";
String xClientKeySecret = "unitcYqAN7GGalyz";
Future<http.Response?> add(details) async {
String path = Url.instance.buildingDetails();
Map<String, String> headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'X-Client-Key': xClientKey,
'X-Client-Secret': xClientKeySecret
http.Response? response;
try {
response = await Request.instance
.postRequest(param: {}, path: path, body: details, headers: headers);
} catch (e) {
return response;

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const String sOSReceivedMessage =
"your SOS request has been received. Please wait for respondent's acknowledgement.";
const String unit2ModuleScreen = "uniT Dashboard";
const String welcome = "Welcome to!";
const String unitApp = 'uniT-App';
const String unitApp = 'Rpass-App';
const String loginToContinue = "Please login to continue.";
const String loginViaQr = "Login via QR code";
const String emergencyReponseLabel = " Request Emergency Response ";

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class Url {
String host() {
// // // return '';
// return 'agusandelnorte.gov.ph';
return 'agusandelnorte.gov.ph';
// return "";
// return "";
// return "";
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Url {
// return "";
// return "playcensys.agusandelnorte.gov.ph";
// return "";
return "";
// return "";
String prefixHost() {
@ -368,6 +368,10 @@ class Url {
return "/api/rptass_app/additional_items/";
String buildingDetails() {
return "/api/rptass_app/bldgappr_details/";
String generalDescription() {
return "/api/rptass_app/bldgappr_gendesc/";