import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; import 'package:flutter_form_builder/flutter_form_builder.dart'; import 'package:flutter_progress_hud/flutter_progress_hud.dart'; import 'package:flutter_spinkit/flutter_spinkit.dart'; import 'package:form_builder_validators/form_builder_validators.dart'; import 'package:multi_dropdown/multiselect_dropdown.dart'; import 'package:searchable_paginated_dropdown/searchable_paginated_dropdown.dart'; import 'package:searchfield/searchfield.dart'; import 'package:unit2/bloc/rbac/rbac_bloc.dart'; import 'package:unit2/bloc/user/user_bloc.dart'; import 'package:unit2/model/rbac/new_permission.dart'; import 'package:unit2/model/rbac/permission.dart'; import 'package:unit2/model/rbac/rbac.dart'; import 'package:unit2/theme-data.dart/btn-style.dart'; import 'package:unit2/theme-data.dart/colors.dart'; import 'package:unit2/widgets/error_state.dart'; import '../../../../model/profile/basic_information/primary-information.dart'; import '../../../../sevices/roles/rbac_services.dart'; import '../../../../theme-data.dart/box_shadow.dart'; import '../../../../theme-data.dart/form-style.dart'; import '../../../../utils/alerts.dart'; import 'add_rbac.dart'; class RBACScreen extends StatefulWidget { const RBACScreen({super.key}); @override State createState() => _RBACScreenState(); } class _RBACScreenState extends State { ////roles final roleFocusNode = FocusNode(); final roleController = TextEditingController(); RBAC? selectedRole; ////modules final moduleFocusNode = FocusNode(); final moduleController = TextEditingController(); RBAC? selectedModule; ////permissions final permissionFocusNode = FocusNode(); final permissionController = TextEditingController(); List valueItemSelectedPermissions = []; List valueItemPermission = []; ////Object RBAC? selectedObject; final objectFocusNode = FocusNode(); final objectController = TextEditingController(); ////operations List operationsId = []; List newOperations = []; List valueItemOperation = []; List selectedValueItemOperation = []; String? token; ////new permission List newPermissions = []; final formKey = GlobalKey(); final addRbacFormKey = GlobalKey(); final newOperationKey = GlobalKey(); int? selectedWebUserId; bool showAddOperations = false; @override void dispose() { moduleFocusNode.dispose(); moduleController.dispose(); roleFocusNode.dispose(); roleController.dispose(); permissionFocusNode.dispose(); permissionController.dispose(); objectFocusNode.dispose(); objectController.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, appBar: AppBar( title: const FittedBox( child: Text("Role Based Access Control"), ), backgroundColor: primary, ), body: ProgressHUD( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24), backgroundColor: Colors.black87, indicatorWidget: const SpinKitFadingCircle(color: Colors.white), child: BlocBuilder( builder: (context, state) { if (state is UserLoggedIn) { token = state.userData!.user!.login!.token; return BlocConsumer( listener: (context, state) { final progress = ProgressHUD.of(context); progress!.showWithText("Please wait..."); if (state is RbacScreenSetted || state is RbacErrorState) { final progress = ProgressHUD.of(context); progress!.dismiss(); } if (state is RbacAssignedState) { if (state.responseStatus['success']) { successAlert(context, "Assigning Successfull!", state.responseStatus['message'], () { Navigator.of(context).pop();; }); } else { errorAlert(context, "Assigning Failed!", state.responseStatus['message'], () { Navigator.of(context).pop();; }); } } }, builder: (context, state) { if (state is RbacScreenSetted) { //// permission value item valueItemPermission = permission) { return ValueItem( label: "${permission.operation?.name} - ${permission.object?.name!}", value:; }).toList(); ////value item operation valueItemOperation = operation) { return ValueItem( label:!, value:; }).toList(); return Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric( vertical: 32, horizontal: 34), child: FormBuilder( key: formKey, child: Column( children: [ const SizedBox( height: 38, ), Flexible( child: Column( children: [ ////users SearchableDropdownFormField.paginated( margin: const EdgeInsets.all(0), trailingIcon: const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 8), child: Icon( Icons.arrow_drop_down, color: Colors.grey, )), hintText: const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 8), child: Text( "Search User", style: TextStyle( color: Colors.grey, fontSize: 16), )), searchHintText: "Search User", backgroundDecoration: (child) { return SizedBox( width: double.infinity, child: Container( width: double.infinity, height: 50, decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all( color: Colors.grey), borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all( Radius.circular(5))), child: child, )); }, paginatedRequest: (int page, String? searchKey) async { List users = await RbacServices .instance .searchUser( page: page, name: searchKey ??= "", token: token!); return { String fullname = "${e.firstName} ${e.lastName}"; return SearchableDropdownMenuItem< Profile>( label: fullname, child: ListTile( title: Text(fullname), subtitle: Text(e.birthdate.toString()), ), onTap: () { setState(() { selectedWebUserId = e.webuserId; }); }, ); }).toList(); }, ), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), ////Role StatefulBuilder( builder: (context, setState) { return SearchField( itemHeight: 40, suggestionsDecoration: box1(), suggestions: state.role .map((RBAC role) => SearchFieldListItem(!, item: role, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets .symmetric( horizontal: 10), child: ListTile( title: Text(!, overflow: TextOverflow .visible, )), ))) .toList(), validator: (agency) { if (agency!.isEmpty) { return "This field is required"; } return null; }, focusNode: roleFocusNode, searchInputDecoration: normalTextFieldStyle("Role *", "") .copyWith( suffixIcon: IconButton( icon: const Icon( Icons.arrow_drop_down), onPressed: () { roleFocusNode.unfocus(); }, )), onSuggestionTap: (role) { setState(() { selectedRole = role.item; roleFocusNode.unfocus(); }); }, ////Add new role emptyWidget: AddRbac( formKey: addRbacFormKey, title: "Add Role", onpressed: () { RBAC? newRole; if (addRbacFormKey.currentState! .saveAndValidate()) { newRole = RBAC( id: null, name: addRbacFormKey .currentState ?.value['object_name'], slug: addRbacFormKey .currentState ?.value['slug'], shorthand: addRbacFormKey .currentState ?.value['shorthand'], fontawesomeIcon: null, createdAt: null, updatedAt: null, createdBy: null, updatedBy: null); } setState(() { state.role.insert(0, newRole!); }); roleFocusNode.unfocus(); Navigator.pop(context); }, )); }), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), // //// Modules StatefulBuilder( builder: (context, setState) { return SearchField( itemHeight: 40, suggestionsDecoration: box1(), suggestions: state.modules .map((RBAC module) => SearchFieldListItem(!, item: module, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets .symmetric( horizontal: 10), child: ListTile( title: Text(!, overflow: TextOverflow .visible, )), ))) .toList(), validator: (module) { if (module!.isEmpty) { return "This field is required"; } return null; }, focusNode: moduleFocusNode, searchInputDecoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Module *", "") .copyWith( suffixIcon: IconButton( icon: const Icon( Icons.arrow_drop_down), onPressed: () { moduleFocusNode.unfocus(); }, )), onSuggestionTap: (module) { setState(() { selectedModule = module.item; moduleFocusNode.unfocus(); }); }, // //// Add new module emptyWidget: AddRbac( formKey: addRbacFormKey, title: "Add Module", onpressed: () { RBAC? newModule; if (addRbacFormKey.currentState! .saveAndValidate()) { newModule = RBAC( id: null, name: addRbacFormKey .currentState ?.value['object_name'], slug: addRbacFormKey .currentState ?.value['slug'], shorthand: addRbacFormKey .currentState ?.value['shorthand'], fontawesomeIcon: null, createdAt: null, updatedAt: null, createdBy: null, updatedBy: null); } setState(() { state.modules .insert(0, newModule!); }); moduleFocusNode.unfocus(); Navigator.pop(context); }, )); }), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), //// Permission StatefulBuilder( builder: (context, setState) { return SizedBox( width: double.infinity, child: Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8), decoration: BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5), border: Border.all( color: Colors.grey)), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: MultiSelectDropDown( onOptionSelected: (List selectedOptions) { setState(() { valueItemSelectedPermissions = selectedOptions; }); }, hint: "Permissions", hintStyle: const TextStyle( fontSize: 16, color: Colors.grey), padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8), options: valueItemPermission, selectionType: SelectionType.multi, chipConfig: const ChipConfig( wrapType: WrapType.scroll), dropdownHeight: 300, optionTextStyle: const TextStyle( fontSize: 16), selectedOptionIcon: const Icon( Icons.check_circle), ), ), const SizedBox( width: 6, ), IconButton( ////Add Permission not the dialog add button onPressed: () { final addPermissionFormKey = GlobalKey(); showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) { String? objectname; String? slug; String? shorthand; return AlertDialog( title: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Container( child: !showAddOperations ? const Text( "Add new Permission") : const Text( "Add new Operation"), ), ), ////close button IconButton( onPressed: () { setState( () { showAddOperations = false; }); Navigator.pop( context); }, icon: const Icon( Icons .close)) ], ), content: StatefulBuilder( builder: (context, stateSetter) { return showAddOperations ////add permission content if choice is in the choices ? FormBuilder( key: newOperationKey, child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ FormBuilderTextField( onChanged: (value) { objectname = value!; }, autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.always, validator: FormBuilderValidators.required(errorText: "This field is required"), name: "object_name", decoration: normalTextFieldStyle("Object name *", "Object name "), ), const SizedBox( height: 8, ), FormBuilderTextField( onChanged: (value) { slug = value!; }, name: "slug", decoration: normalTextFieldStyle("Slug *", "Slug"), ), const SizedBox( height: 8, ), FormBuilderTextField( onChanged: (value) { shorthand = value!; }, name: "shorthand", decoration: normalTextFieldStyle("Shorthand *", "Shorthand"), ), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), SizedBox( width: double.infinity, height: 50, /////Add new Operation submit button child: ElevatedButton( style: mainBtnStyle(primary, Colors.transparent, second), onPressed: () async { if (newOperationKey.currentState!.saveAndValidate()) { RBAC newOperation = RBAC(id: null, name: objectname, slug: slug, shorthand: shorthand, fontawesomeIcon: null, createdAt: null, updatedAt: null, createdBy: null, updatedBy: null); stateSetter(() { newOperations.add(newOperation); valueItemOperation.insert(0, ValueItem(label:!, value:; showAddOperations = false; }); } }, child: const Text("Add"))), ], ), ) ////add permission content if choice is in the choices : Form( key: addPermissionFormKey, child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ ////Object SizedBox( width: double.infinity, child: ////Row ofr operation and add operation Row( children: [ ////Operations Expanded( child: MultiSelectDropDown( onOptionSelected: (List selectedOptions) { stateSetter(() { ////get operation ids selectedValueItemOperation = selectedOptions; }); }, borderColor: Colors.grey, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 5, hint: "Operations", hintStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, color: Colors.grey), padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8), options: valueItemOperation, selectionType: SelectionType.multi, chipConfig: const ChipConfig(wrapType: WrapType.wrap), dropdownHeight: 300, optionTextStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16), selectedOptionIcon: const Icon(Icons.check_circle), ), ), const SizedBox( width: 5, ), Container( decoration: BoxDecoration(border: Border.all(color: Colors.grey), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5)), child: IconButton( ////Add Operation beside row button onPressed: () { stateSetter(() { showAddOperations = true; }); }, icon: const Icon(Icons.add)), ) ], )), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), SearchField( itemHeight: 40, suggestionsDecoration: box1(), suggestions: state.objects .map((RBAC object) => SearchFieldListItem(!, item: object, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10), child: ListTile( title: Text(!, overflow: TextOverflow.visible, )), ))) .toList(), validator: (module) { if (module!.isEmpty) { return "This field is required"; } return null; }, focusNode: objectFocusNode, searchInputDecoration: normalTextFieldStyle("Object *", "").copyWith( suffixIcon: IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down), onPressed: () { objectFocusNode.unfocus(); }, )), onSuggestionTap: (object) { stateSetter(() { selectedObject = object.item; objectFocusNode.unfocus(); }); }, ////Add new Object emptyWidget: AddRbac( formKey: addRbacFormKey, title: "Add Add Object", onpressed: () { if (addRbacFormKey.currentState!.saveAndValidate()) { RBAC? newObject; if (addRbacFormKey.currentState!.saveAndValidate()) { newObject = RBAC(id: null, name: addRbacFormKey.currentState?.value['object_name'], slug: addRbacFormKey.currentState?.value['slug'], shorthand: addRbacFormKey.currentState?.value['shorthand'], fontawesomeIcon: null, createdAt: null, updatedAt: null, createdBy: null, updatedBy: null); } stateSetter(() { state.objects.insert(0, newObject!); }); objectFocusNode.unfocus(); Navigator.pop(context); } }, )), const SizedBox( height: 20, ), SizedBox( width: double.infinity, height: 50, child: ElevatedButton( onPressed: () { ////Add Operation if (addPermissionFormKey.currentState!.validate()) { selectedValueItemOperation.forEach((e) { setState(() { // state.permission.insert(0, Permission(id: null, object: selectedObject!, operation: RBAC(id: null, name: e.label, slug: null, shorthand: null, fontawesomeIcon: null, createdAt: null, updatedAt: null, createdBy: null, updatedBy: null), createdAt: null, updatedAt: null, createdBy: null, updatedBy: null)); valueItemPermission.insert(0, ValueItem(label: "${selectedObject!.name} - ${e.label}")); valueItemPermission = valueItemPermission; }); }); Navigator.pop(context); setState(() {}); } }, style: mainBtnStyle(primary, Colors.transparent, second), child: const Text("Submit"), )) ], )); })); }); }, icon: const Icon(Icons.add)), ], ), ), ); }), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), ], )), SizedBox( height: 50, width: double.infinity, child: ElevatedButton( style: mainBtnStyle( primary, Colors.transparent, second), onPressed: () { if (formKey.currentState! .saveAndValidate()) { ////existing permission List permissions = valueItemSelectedPermissions .map((e) => int.parse(e.value!)) .toList(); AssignedRbac( assigneeId: selectedWebUserId!, assignerId: 63, newPermissions: [], permissionId: permissions, selectedModule: selectedModule, selectedRole: selectedRole)); } print(valueItemSelectedPermissions .length); }, child: const Text("submit")), ) ], )), ); } if (state is RbacErrorState) { return SomethingWentWrong( message: state.message, onpressed: () {}); } return Container(); }, ); } return Container(); }, ), )); } }