import 'package:azlistview/azlistview.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:fluttericon/font_awesome5_icons.dart'; import 'package:fluttericon/font_awesome_icons.dart'; import 'package:fluttericon/rpg_awesome_icons.dart'; import 'package:unit2/model/login_data/user_info/role.dart'; List levels = ['Establishments', 'Office']; List establishments = ['Provincial Government of Agusan del Norte']; List checkPointAreas = [ 'Agusan Up', 'Bids and Awards Committee', 'Cabadbaran District Hospital', 'Commision on Audit' ]; final List genders = ["MALE", "FEMALE"]; final List regions = [ "Region I", "Region II", "Region III", "Region IV", "Region V" ]; final List barangays = [ "Ambago", "Lingayao", "Obrero", "Bading", "Limaha", "Peqeno" ]; final List puroks = [ "Ambago", "Lingayao", "Obrero", "Bading", "Limaha", "Peqeno" ]; final List municipalities = [ "Buenavista", "Butuan City", "Carmen", "Cabadbaran", "Jabonga" ]; final List provinces = [ "Agusan del Norte", "Agusan del Sur", "Surigao del Norte", "Surigao del Sur" ]; List addedPersons = [ Person(name: "Nav", lastname: "Acuin"), Person(name: "Jhonny", lastname: "Agoy"), Person(name: "Philip", lastname: "Amaw"), Person(name: "Jojo", lastname: "Asus"), Person(name: "Naruto", lastname: "Acer"), Person(name: "Agata", lastname: "Azarcon"), Person(name: "Nav", lastname: "Amen"), Person(name: "Cristine", lastname: "Albarina"), Person(name: "Nav", lastname: "Zcuin"), Person(name: "Jhonny", lastname: "Zgoy"), Person(name: "Philip", lastname: "Zmaw"), Person(name: "Jojo", lastname: "Zsus"), Person(name: "Naruto", lastname: "Zcer"), Person(name: "Agata", lastname: "Zzarcon"), Person(name: "Nav", lastname: "Zmen"), Person(name: "Cristine", lastname: "Zlbarina"), Person(name: "Nav", lastname: "Bcuin"), Person(name: "Jhonny", lastname: "Tgoy"), Person(name: "Philip", lastname: "Smaw"), Person(name: "Jojo", lastname: "Dsus"), Person(name: "Naruto", lastname: "Fcer"), Person(name: "Agata", lastname: "Ezarcon"), Person(name: "Nav", lastname: "Cmen"), Person(name: "Cristine", lastname: "Blbarina"), ]; class Person extends ISuspensionBean { final String name; final String lastname; Person({required, required this.lastname}); @override String getSuspensionTag() { return lastname[0]; } } // List roles = [ // Roles(name: 'QR scanner', icon: FontAwesome.qrcode), // Roles(name: "Security", icon: FontAwesome5.user_shield), // Roles(name: "Establishment point person", icon: FontAwesome.building_filled), // Roles(name: "Registration in charge", icon: FontAwesome.user_plus), // Roles(name: 'Super admin', icon: FontAwesome5.user_lock), // Roles(name: "Purok president", icon: FontAwesome5.user_tie), // Roles(name: "Check point inchage", icon: FontAwesome5.hand_paper), // Roles(name: "Health officer", icon: RpgAwesome.health_decrease), // ];