import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; import 'package:flutter_form_builder/flutter_form_builder.dart'; import 'package:flutter_progress_hud/flutter_progress_hud.dart'; import 'package:flutter_spinkit/flutter_spinkit.dart'; import 'package:form_builder_validators/form_builder_validators.dart'; import 'package:searchfield/searchfield.dart'; import 'package:unit2/bloc/rbac/rbac_operations/station/station_bloc.dart'; import 'package:unit2/model/rbac/rbac_station.dart'; import 'package:unit2/model/utils/agency.dart'; import 'package:unit2/model/utils/position.dart'; import 'package:unit2/widgets/Leadings/add_leading.dart'; import 'package:unit2/widgets/error_state.dart'; import '../../../../model/rbac/station_type.dart'; import '../../../../theme-data.dart/box_shadow.dart'; import '../../../../theme-data.dart/btn-style.dart'; import '../../../../theme-data.dart/colors.dart'; import '../../../../theme-data.dart/form-style.dart'; import '../../../../utils/alerts.dart'; import '../../../../utils/global.dart'; import '../../../../widgets/empty_data.dart'; import '../../../utils/formatters.dart'; import '../../profile/shared/add_for_empty_search.dart'; class RbacStationScreen extends StatefulWidget { final int agencyId; const RbacStationScreen({ required this.agencyId, super.key, }); @override State createState() => _RbacStationScreenState(); } class _RbacStationScreenState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final rbacStationBloc = BlocProvider.of(context); List stations = []; final formKey = GlobalKey(); List> hierarchy = []; bool mainParent = false; bool isWithinParent = true; bool isHospital = false; List stationTypes = []; List positions = []; List mainParentStations = []; List parentStations = []; List agencies = []; RbacStation? selectedMainParentStation; RbacStation? selectedParentStation; StationType? selectedStationType; PositionTitle? selectedPositiontitle; int selectedAgencyId = widget.agencyId; final addStationTypeController = TextEditingController(); final stationTypeFocusNode = FocusNode(); final agencyFocusNode = FocusNode(); return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( centerTitle: true, backgroundColor: primary, title: const Text("Station Screen"), actions: is StationLoadingState || is StationErrorState || is RbacStationAddedState || is FilterStationState ? [] : [ AddLeading(onPressed: () { BuildContext parent = context; mainParentStations = []; mainParent = stations.isEmpty ? true : false; for (RbacStation station in stations) { if (station.hierarchyOrderNo == 1) { mainParentStations.add(station); } } /////Add new tation showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( title: const Text("Add New Station"), content: SingleChildScrollView( child: FormBuilder( key: formKey, child: StatefulBuilder(builder: (context, setState) { return Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ ////is main parent FormBuilderSwitch( initialValue: mainParent, activeColor: second, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { mainParent = !mainParent; }); }, decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "is Main Parent?", 'is Main Parent?'), name: 'main-parent', title: Text(mainParent ? "YES" : "NO"), validator: FormBuilderValidators.required( errorText: "This field is required"), ), SizedBox( height: mainParent ? 0 : 8, ), //// selected main parent SizedBox( child: mainParent == true ? const SizedBox.shrink() : FormBuilderDropdown( decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Main Parent Station", "Main Parent Station"), name: "parent-stations", items: mainParentStations.isEmpty ? [] : { return DropdownMenuItem( value: e, child: Text( e.stationName!), ); }).toList(), onChanged: (RbacStation? e) { setState(() { selectedMainParentStation = e; parentStations = []; for (RbacStation station in stations) { if (station .mainParentStation == selectedMainParentStation! .id) { parentStations .add(station); } } parentStations.add( selectedMainParentStation!); }); }, validator: FormBuilderValidators .required( errorText: "This field is required"), ), ), SizedBox( height: mainParent ? 0 : 8, ), ////parent station SizedBox( child: mainParent == true ? const SizedBox.shrink() : FormBuilderDropdown( decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Parent Station", "Parent Station"), name: "parent-stations", onChanged: (RbacStation? e) { setState(() { selectedParentStation = e; }); }, items: parentStations.isEmpty ? [] : { return DropdownMenuItem( value: e, child: Text( e.stationName!), ); }).toList(), validator: FormBuilderValidators .required( errorText: "This field is required"), ), ), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), ////Station Type SearchField( itemHeight: 50, suggestionsDecoration: searchFieldDecoration(), suggestions: stationTypes .map((StationType stationType) => SearchFieldListItem( stationType.typeName!, item: stationType, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets .symmetric( horizontal: 10), child: ListTile( title: Text( stationType.typeName!, overflow: TextOverflow.visible, )), ))) .toList(), validator: (station) { if (station!.isEmpty) { return "This field is required"; } return null; }, focusNode: stationTypeFocusNode, searchInputDecoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Station Type *", "") .copyWith( suffixIcon: GestureDetector( onTap: () => stationTypeFocusNode.unfocus(), child: const Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down), )), onSuggestionTap: (position) { setState(() { selectedStationType = position.item!; stationTypeFocusNode.unfocus(); }); }, emptyWidget: EmptyWidget( title: "Add StationType", controller: addStationTypeController, onpressed: () { setState(() { StationType stationType = StationType( id: null, typeName: addStationTypeController .text, color: null, order: null, isActive: null, group: null); stationTypes.add(stationType); Navigator.pop(context); }); }), ), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), ////Position title FormBuilderDropdown( decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Head Position", "Head Position"), name: "head-position", items: { return DropdownMenuItem( value: e, child: Text(e.title!), ); }).toList(), onChanged: (title) { selectedPositiontitle = title; }, ), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), ////is within parent FormBuilderSwitch( initialValue: true, activeColor: second, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { isWithinParent = value!; }); }, decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Location of the station within this parent?", 'Location of the station within this parent?'), name: 'isWithinParent', title: Text(isWithinParent ? "YES" : "NO"), ), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), Row( //// Station Name children: [ Flexible( child: FormBuilderTextField( validator: FormBuilderValidators .required( errorText: "This Field is required"), decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Station name", "Station name"), name: "station-name"), ), const SizedBox( width: 12, ), //// Acronym Flexible( child: FormBuilderTextField( validator: FormBuilderValidators .required( errorText: "This Field is required"), decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Acronym", "Acronym"), name: "acronym"), ), ], ), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), FormBuilderTextField( ////Description decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Station description", "Station description"), name: "station-description"), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), Row( children: [ Flexible( ////Code child: FormBuilderTextField( decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Code", "Code"), name: "code"), ), const SizedBox( width: 12, ), Flexible( //// Full Code child: FormBuilderTextField( decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Full Code", "Full Code"), name: "fullcode"), ), ], ), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), ////is Hospital FormBuilderSwitch( initialValue: isHospital, activeColor: second, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { isHospital = !isHospital; }); }, decoration: normalTextFieldStyle( "Is Hospital", ''), name: 'isHospital', title: Text( isHospital == true ? "YES" : "NO"), ), const SizedBox( height: 20, ), SizedBox( width: double.infinity, height: 50, child: ElevatedButton( style: mainBtnStyle(primary, Colors.transparent, second), onPressed: () { RbacStation? newStation; if (formKey.currentState! .saveAndValidate()) { String? stationName = formKey .currentState! .value['station-name']; String? acronym = formKey .currentState! .value['acronym']; String? code = formKey .currentState! .value['code']; String? fullcode = formKey .currentState! .value['fullcode']; String? description = formKey.currentState!.value[ 'station-description']; newStation = RbacStation( id: null, stationName: stationName, stationType: selectedStationType, hierarchyOrderNo: mainParent ? 1 : selectedParentStation! .hierarchyOrderNo! + 1, headPosition: selectedPositiontitle ?.title, governmentAgency: GovernmentAgency( agencyid: selectedAgencyId, agencyname: null, agencycatid: null, privateEntity: null, contactinfoid: null), acronym: acronym, parentStation: mainParent ? null : selectedParentStation! .id!, code: code, fullcode: fullcode, childStationInfo: null, islocationUnderParent: isWithinParent, mainParentStation: mainParent ? null : selectedMainParentStation! .id!, description: description, ishospital: isHospital, isactive: true, sellingStation: null); Navigator.pop(context); rbacStationBloc.add( AddRbacStation( station: newStation)); } }, child: const Text("Add"))), ], ); }), ), ), ); }); }), ////Filter IconButton( onPressed: () { showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( title: const Text( "Select agency to filter stations", textAlign:, ), content: SizedBox( child: // //// Filter Agencies Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8), child: SearchField( inputFormatters: [ UpperCaseTextFormatter() ], itemHeight: 100, focusNode: agencyFocusNode, suggestions: agencies .map((Agency agency) => SearchFieldListItem(!, item: agency, child: ListTile( title: Text(!, overflow: TextOverflow.visible, ), ))) .toList(), searchInputDecoration: normalTextFieldStyle("Filter", "") .copyWith( suffixIcon: IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down), onPressed: () { agencyFocusNode.unfocus(); }, )), onSuggestionTap: (agency) { agencyFocusNode.unfocus(); selectedAgencyId = agency.item!.id!; print(selectedAgencyId); Navigator.pop(context); rbacStationBloc.add(FilterStation( agencyId: selectedAgencyId)); }, validator: (agency) { if (agency!.isEmpty) { return "This field is required"; } return null; }, emptyWidget: const Center( child: Text("No result found..."), )), ), ), ); }); }, icon: const Icon(Icons.filter_list)) ], ), body: ProgressHUD( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24), backgroundColor: Colors.black87, indicatorWidget: const SpinKitFadingCircle(color: Colors.white), child: BlocConsumer( listener: (context, state) { if (state is StationLoadingState) { final progress = ProgressHUD.of(context); progress!.showWithText("Please wait..."); } if (state is RbacStationAddedState) { if (state.response['success']) { successAlert( context, "Adding Successfull!", state.response['message'], () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); context .read() .add(GetStations(agencyId: selectedAgencyId)); }); } else { errorAlert(context, "Adding Failed", state.response['message'], () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); context .read() .add(GetStations(agencyId: selectedAgencyId)); }); } } if (state is StationLoadedState || state is RbacStationAddedState || state is StationErrorState) { final progress = ProgressHUD.of(context); progress!.dismiss(); } }, builder: (context, state) { final parent = context; if (state is StationLoadedState) { stations = state.stations; stationTypes = state.stationTypes; positions = state.positions; agencies = state.agencies; int max = 0; hierarchy = []; for (RbacStation station in stations) { if (station.hierarchyOrderNo != null) { if (max < station.hierarchyOrderNo!) { max = station.hierarchyOrderNo!; } } } for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++) { hierarchy.add({i: []}); } for (var station in stations) { if (station.hierarchyOrderNo != null) { for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++) { if (station.hierarchyOrderNo == i + 1) { hierarchy[i][i + 1].add(station); } } } } if (stations.isNotEmpty && hierarchy[0][1].isNotEmpty) { return Column( children: [ Expanded( child: ListView.builder( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric( vertical: 8, horizontal: 10), itemCount: hierarchy[0][1].length, itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) { List second = []; if (max >= 2) { for (var rbacStation in hierarchy[1][2]) { if (rbacStation.parentStation == hierarchy[0][1][index].id) { second.add(rbacStation); } } } return Column( children: [ Container( width: screenWidth, decoration: box1(), padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: 12, vertical: 8), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Row( children: [ const CircleAvatar( child: Text('1'), ), const SizedBox( width: 12, ), Flexible( child: Text( hierarchy[0][1][index] .stationName!, style: Theme.of(context) .textTheme .titleMedium! .copyWith( fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: primary)), ), ], )), ], ), ), ////SECOND SizedBox( child: second.isNotEmpty ? Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: { List childs = []; if (max >= 3) { for (RbacStation station in hierarchy[2][3]) { if (station.parentStation == { childs.add(station); } } } else { childs = []; } return Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Container( width: screenWidth, decoration: box1() .copyWith( boxShadow: []), padding: const EdgeInsets .only( left: 30), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Row( children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets .all( 6), child: Text( "2", style: Theme.of(context) .textTheme .bodyLarge, selectionColor: Colors.redAccent, )), const SizedBox( width: 12, ), Flexible( child: Text( e .stationName!, style: Theme.of(context) .textTheme .titleMedium! .copyWith( fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: primary)), ), ], )), ], ), ), ), ], ), ////THIRD SizedBox( child: childs.isNotEmpty ? Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize .min, children: childs .map((e) { List childs = []; if (max >= 4) { for (RbacStation station in hierarchy[ 3] [4]) { if (station .parentStation == { childs.add( station); } } } else { childs = []; } return Column( children: [ Container( width: screenWidth, decoration: box1() .copyWith(boxShadow: []), padding: const EdgeInsets .only( left: 50), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Row( children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(6), child: Text( "3", style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge, selectionColor: Colors.redAccent, )), const SizedBox( width: 12, ), Flexible( child: Text(e.stationName!, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleMedium!.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: primary)), ), ], )), ], ), ), ////Fourth SizedBox( child: childs.isNotEmpty ? Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: { List childs = []; if (max > 4) { for (RbacStation station in hierarchy[4][5]) { if (station.parentStation == { childs.add(station); } } } else { childs = []; } return Column( children: [ Container( width: screenWidth, decoration: box1().copyWith(boxShadow: []), padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 80), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Row( children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(6), child: Text( "4", style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge, selectionColor: Colors.redAccent, )), const SizedBox( width: 12, ), Flexible( child: Text(e.stationName!, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleMedium!.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: primary)), ), ], )), ], ), ), ////Fifth SizedBox( child: childs.isNotEmpty ? Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: { List childs = []; if (max > 5) { for (RbacStation station in hierarchy[5][6]) { if (station.parentStation == { childs.add(station); } } } else { childs = []; } return Column( children: [ Container( width: screenWidth, decoration: box1(), padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 80), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Row( children: [ const CircleAvatar( child: Text('5'), ), const SizedBox( width: 12, ), Flexible( child: Text(e.stationName!, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleMedium!.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: primary)), ), ], )), ], ), ), ], ); }).toList(), ) : const SizedBox()), ], ); }).toList(), ) : const SizedBox()), ], ); }).toList(), ) : const SizedBox .shrink()), ], ); }).toList(), ) : const SizedBox()), const Divider( height: 5, ), ], ); }), ) ], ); } else { return const EmptyData( message: "No Station available. Please click + to add."); } } if (state is StationErrorState) { return SomethingWentWrong( message: state.message, onpressed: () { context .read() .add(GetStations(agencyId: selectedAgencyId)); }); } return Container(); }, ), ), ); } }