import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; import 'package:flutter_form_builder/flutter_form_builder.dart'; import 'package:flutter_progress_hud/flutter_progress_hud.dart'; import 'package:flutter_spinkit/flutter_spinkit.dart'; import 'package:flutter_svg/svg.dart'; import 'package:fluttericon/font_awesome5_icons.dart'; import 'package:fluttertoast/fluttertoast.dart'; import 'package:unit2/theme-data.dart/btn-style.dart'; import 'package:unit2/utils/global_context.dart'; import 'package:unit2/widgets/wave.dart'; import '../../../bloc/user/user_bloc.dart'; import '../../../theme-data.dart/colors.dart'; import '../../../theme-data.dart/form-style.dart'; import '../../../utils/alerts.dart'; import '../../../utils/global.dart'; import '../../../utils/internet_time_out.dart'; import '../../../utils/text_container.dart'; import '../../../utils/validators.dart'; import '../../../widgets/error_state.dart'; class QRLogin extends StatefulWidget { const QRLogin({super.key}); @override State createState() => _QRLoginState(); } class _QRLoginState extends State { bool showSuffixIcon = false; bool _showPassword = true; final _formKey = GlobalKey(); String? password; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return WillPopScope( onWillPop: ()async{ Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context,"/"); return true; }, child: SafeArea( child: Scaffold( resizeToAvoidBottomInset: true, appBar: AppBar( backgroundColor: primary, elevation: 0, title: const Text("Login via QR"), centerTitle: true, ), body: ProgressHUD( backgroundColor: Colors.black87, indicatorWidget: const SpinKitFadingCircle(color: Colors.white), child: BlocConsumer( listener: (context,state){ if (state is UserLoggedIn) { if (state.success == true) { if (!state.savedCredentials!) { confirmAlertWithCancel(context, () async { await CREDENTIALS?.put('saved', "saved"); await CREDENTIALS?.put('username', state.userData!.user!.login!.user!.username!); await CREDENTIALS?.put('password', password); Fluttertoast.showToast( msg: "Credentials Successfully saved", toastLength: Toast.LENGTH_LONG, gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, backgroundColor:, ); Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(NavigationService.navigatorKey.currentContext!, '/module-screen'); }, () => Navigator.pushReplacementNamed( context, '/module-screen'), "Save credentials?", "Do you want to save credentials so you don't have to login again next time?."); } else { Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, '/module-screen'); } } else { final progress = ProgressHUD.of(context); progress!.dismiss(); errorAlert(context, "Error Login", state.message, () { context .read() .add(LoadUuid()); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }); } } }, builder: (context, state) { if (state is UuidLoaded) { return SingleChildScrollView( child: Stack( children: [ Positioned( bottom: 0, child: WaveReverse(height: blockSizeVertical * 8)), Container( height: screenHeight * .87, padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 32), child: FormBuilder( key: _formKey, child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ SvgPicture.asset( 'assets/svgs/logo.svg', height: blockSizeVertical * 12, allowDrawingOutsideViewBox: true, color: primary, ), const SizedBox( height: 12, ), Text(unitApp, style: TextStyle( fontSize: blockSizeVertical * 5, fontWeight: FontWeight.w800, letterSpacing: .2, height: 1, color: Colors.black87)), const SizedBox( height: 15, ), Text( "Enter your password", style: TextStyle( fontSize: blockSizeVertical * 1.5, height: 1.5, fontWeight: FontWeight.w600), ), const SizedBox( height: 15, ), // Password FormBuilderTextField( name: 'password', validator: registerPasswordValidator, // initialValue: state.password, onChanged: (value) { value!.isEmpty ? setState(() { showSuffixIcon = false; }) : setState(() { showSuffixIcon = true; }); }, autofocus: false, style: const TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.black87), decoration: loginTextFieldStyle().copyWith( suffixIcon: Visibility( visible: showSuffixIcon, child: _showPassword ? IconButton( icon: Icon(FontAwesome5.eye_slash, size: 24, color: Theme.of(context) .textTheme .displayLarge ?.color), onPressed: () { setState(() { _showPassword = false; }); }, ) : IconButton( onPressed: () { setState(() { _showPassword = true; }); }, icon: Icon(FontAwesome5.eye, size: 24, color: Theme.of(context) .textTheme .displayLarge ?.color)), ), prefixIcon: const Icon(Icons.lock), labelText: "Password", hintText: enterPassword), obscureText: _showPassword ? true : false, ), const SizedBox( height: 15, ), const SizedBox( height: 15, ), SizedBox( width: double.infinity, height: blockSizeVertical * 6, child: ElevatedButton( style: secondaryBtnStyle( primary, Colors.transparent, primary), onPressed: () { if (_formKey.currentState! .saveAndValidate()) { password = _formKey.currentState!.value['password']; final progress = ProgressHUD.of(context); progress?.showWithText( 'Logging in...', ); state.uuid,password: _formKey.currentState!.value['password'])); } }, child: const Text("LOGIN")), ) ], ), ), ), ], ), ); } if (state is InternetTimeout) { return SomethingWentWrong(message: state.message, onpressed: () { context .read() .add(LoadUuid()); Navigator.of(context).pop(); },); } if(state is LoginErrorState){ return SomethingWentWrong(message: state.message, onpressed: () { context .read() .add(LoadUuid()); Navigator.of(context).pop(); },); } return Container(); }, ), ), ), ), ); } }