119 lines
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119 lines
5.6 KiB
const String addMobile = "Enter your mobile number(s)";
const String addMobileCaption =
"These mobile numbers will be used to contact you if you request an emergency response. Please provide at least one active number";
const String mobileNumberRequired = "You must add atleast one mobile";
const String numericValidator = "Please a number only";
const String mobile1 = "Mobile number 1";
const String mobile2 = "Mobile number 2";
const String currentLocation = "Your current location";
const String noModule = "No Module Assign";
const String noModuleSubTitle =
"Please contact the admin if you want to access a module.";
const String submit = "SUBMIT";
const String login = "LOGIN";
const String sOSTitle = "Request SOS";
const String sOSReceivedMessage =
"your SOS request has been received. Please wait for respondent's acknowledgement.";
const String unit2ModuleScreen = "uniT Dashboard";
const String welcome = "Welcome to!";
const String unitApp = 'Rpass-App';
const String loginToContinue = "Please login to continue.";
const String loginViaQr = "Login via QR code";
const String emergencyReponseLabel = " Request Emergency Response ";
const String requestSOS = "Request SOS";
const String qrScannerTitle = "QR-Code Scanner";
const String establishment = "Establishment";
const String checkpointArea = "Checkpoint Area";
const String scanMode = 'Scan Mode';
const String registrationInChargeTitle = "Registration In Charge";
const String basicInformation = "Basic Information";
const String address = "Address";
const String syncTitle = "Sync Data";
const String syncSubTittle = "Press Sync button to get latest data available";
const String syncNow = "SYNC NOW";
const String documentId = "Document ID";
const String documentTitle = "Document Title";
const String documentSubject = "Document Subject";
const String documentType = "Document Type";
const String registerToContinue = "Create your password to register";
const String sourceRemarks = "Source Remarks";
const String remarksRequired = "Remarks is required";
const String enterRemarks = "Enter your remarks";
const String departmentRequired = "Department is required";
const String substationRequired = "Substation is required";
const String requestAutoReceipt = "Request Auto Receipt";
const String messageRequired = "Message is required";
const String sosMessage = "SOS message ...";
const String sosReceived = "SOS Received!";
const String cancelRequest = "Cancel Request";
const String usernameRequired = "Username is required";
const String passwordRequired = "Password is required";
const String enterPassword = "Enter Password ...";
const String confirmPassword = "Confirm Password";
const String enterConfirmPassword = "Enter Confirm Password ...";
const String register = "Register";
const String signature = "Signature pad";
const String tapToScanQR = "TAP TO SCAN QR CODE";
const String incoming = "INCOMING";
const String setQRScannerSettings = "Set QR Scanner Settings";
const String includeOtherInputs = "Include other inputs?";
const String includeOtherInputsSubTitle =
"Inputs such as body temperature, etc.";
const String incomingORoutgoing = "Incoming or Outgoing?";
const String incomingORoutgoingSubTitle =
"incoming for entrance outgoing for exit.";
const String fieldIsRequired = "This field is required";
const String selectLevel = "Select level";
const String selectEstablishment = "Select Establishment";
const String timeoutError = "Internet timeout! Please Check your connection";
const String formatError = "Invalid Error";
const String httpError = "Error getting requested data";
const String onError = "Something went wrong! Please try again.";
const String adressScreenTitle = "Addresses";
const String citizenshipScreenTitle = "Citizenship";
const String contactScreenTitle = "Contact Information";
const String identificationScreenTitle = "Identifications";
const String idNumberText = "ID number";
const String privateText = 'private';
const String governmentText = "government";
const String primaryInformationScreenTitle = "Primary Information";
const String lastname = "lastname";
const String firstname = "firstname";
const String middlename = "middlename";
const String extensionName = 'extension-name';
const String birthDat = 'bday';
const String sex = 'sex';
const String bloodType = 'bloodtype';
const String civilStatus = 'civil-status';
const String gender = 'gender';
const String height = 'height';
const String width = 'width';
const String prefixSuffix = 'prefix&suffix';
const String nonAcademicRecTitle = "Non Academic Recognition";
const String orgMembershipTitle = "Organization Membership";
const String skillAndHobbiesTitle = "Skills and Hobbies";
const String educationScreenTitle = "Educational Background";
const String honorsText = 'Honors';
const String elibilityScreenTitle = "Eligibility";
const String licenseNumber = "LicenseNumber";
const String rating = "Rating";
const String familyBackgroundScreenTitle = "Family Background";
const String fatherText = "Father";
const String fullname = "Full name";
const String incaseOfEmergency = "Incase of emergency";
const String motherText = 'Mother';
const String spouseText = "Spouse";
const String childrenText = "Children";
const String otherRelatedText = "Other related person";
const String learningAndDevelopmentScreenTitle = "Learning and Development";
const String duration = "Duration";
const String type = "Type";
const String referencesScreenTitle = "Personal References";
const String mobileOrPhone = "phone / mobile number";
const String voluntaryScreenTitle = "Voluntary Work & Civic";
const String numberOfHours = "Worked/Involved for";
const String workHistoryScreenTitle = "Work History";
const String present = "present";